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What I Learned Reading the NZ Shooter's Manifesto

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The mainstream Internet has gone out of its way to scrub any reference to the Christchurch shooter's manifesto from the Internet. While I can appreciate the desire to not make terrorists famous and as a side effect validate their atrocious activities, I think this pales in comparison to a select group of institutions deciding what is and isn't appropriate content for my adult brain to absorb, process, and compute on its own.

Therefore I took the arduous task of navigating the minefield of censorship to read the NZ Shooter's so-called "manifesto" and report what I learned... because if I linked the whole thing, chances are, this site would be erased from most Western search engines. (Yay freedom of speech!)

Note that we here at BSA are completely in favor of any site exercising their right to restrict their systems from promoting hate speech and intolerance. But it's also important to call attention to what is motivating these people - this is a key to how to stop them, and sometimes that requires diving deep into their cesspool. So here are our thoughts on this...

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Three Economic Myths That Cause Us to Vote Against Our Interests

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Robert Reich in approximately two minutes exposes 3 common economic myths that may be responsible for why so many Americans vote against their own interests... A very important and insightful explanation everyone should see...

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Republicans Create A Totalitarian Government

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Unbeknownst to the mainstream media and the American people, the GOP majority in Congress passed a resolution that prohibits anyone other than the speaker of the House to call a vote to restore the Government shutdown. In effect, this sneaky little trick subverts democracy and creates a totalitarian state.

See the video where a Congressman confronts the powers that be over this slimy rule change...

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On Wall Street The Revolution Will Be Televised

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Since Sept 17th, there's been a peaceful demonstration, "occupation" of Wall Street in New York City by people who are fed up with Corporate America running the country and society into the ground. While the mainstream media continues to ignore the issue, it's becoming viral online in a bit way. Watch the protests live online!

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A Look At Chernobyl Reveals Impending Fukushima Disaster Scope

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Prominent Australian physician, author and nuclear expert Dr. Helen Caldicott reveals the details on what happened in the Chernobyl disaster in Russia; why Fukushima in Japan is "several orders of magnitude worse" and what this means in terms of lives and what the media is not telling you about how radiation affects peoples' health. No matter where you are in the world, you should watch this video to understand the implications of the nuclear disaster in Japan because it indeed will affect all of the Earth...

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Katy Perry Fights Back Against TV Censorship

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In the wake of the Children's Television Workshop axing a segment where pop singer Katy Perry performed her song on Sesame Street, fearing the singer was too exposed (apparently children are only allowed to see cleavage as a road map to mom's refreshment station), Perry has gone on the offensive in a big way. First showing up on Saturday Night Live in a provacative outfit made out of an Elmo shirt, she's totally left the boat with her latest video... I smell some lawsuits from CTW on this one despite the fact that it's an obvious parody... and completely hilarious!

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Car Manufacturers Cut Out Independent Dealers With Encryption

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Here's another story you won't find hitting many of the airwaves. The major car manufacturers have implemented a new standard with respect to the diagnostic data new cars generate. What this means is that more and more small, independent, less-expensive car repair places cannot work on peoples' cars because they can't decode the diagnostic messages. There's a battle now to change this so anyone can repair their own cars, and not just the elite dealers who can understand the codes.

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Businessmen Caught With $134B of US Bonds at Italy/Swiss Border

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Italy's financial police (Guardia italiana di Finanza) has seized US bonds worth US 134.5 billion from two Japanese nationals at Chiasso (40 km from Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland. They include 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth US$ 500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth a billion dollar each.

So far, no American mainstream media has picked up on this pretty scandalous story. Is some government trying to liquidate their shares of T-bills? Or are they fake and this is the largest counterfeit operation ever?

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Religion Commercial Banned From YouTube

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A humorous commercial parody is going around the net about "religion." Unfortunately, the folks on YouTube are too uppity to allow any funny commentary on their beliefs so we bring it to you here.

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American Pharmaceuticals Sell HIV-Infected Drugs Overseas

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Just when you think you've heard it all, a shocking story surfaces that most of the mainstream media has not reported. Would an American drug company, upon finding that a supply of blood-based drugs was tainted with the HIV virus, offload these drugs overseas in an attempt to make a profit? Foreign regulators that have allowed this to happen are in prison. Nobody in the United States seems to even know this happened!

So what happens when a drug company gets blood for its new hemophiliac medication from a prison in Arkansas? And who do they dump the tainted drugs off on? And who is accountable?

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AT&T Goes Dark In Wake Of Hurricane

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[Faulty Products]
Despite the day earlier, statements being issued by major cellular companies that they were prepared for Gustav, one company wasn't. AT&T customers in the New Orleans area experienced a total loss of cellular service for almost the entire day during the impact of Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana.

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Taking Liberties (Since 1997)

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Taking Liberties is a shocking but hilarious polemic documentary that charts the destruction of all your Basic Liberties under 10 Years of New Labour.

Released to coincide with Tony Blair's departure, the film and the book follow the stories of normal people who's lives have been turned upside down by injustice - from being arrested for holding a placard outside parliament to being tortured in Guantanamo Bay.

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Gore Vidal: US Media Doesn't Give "A Flying f*ck" About Country

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One of the biggest stories in the last 20 years, American media is largely ignoring. Gore Vidal has something to say about it...

On June 9, 2008, a counterrevolution began on the floor of the House of Representatives against the gas and oil crooks who had seized control of the federal government. This counterrevolution began in the exact place which had slumbered during the all-out assault on our liberties and the Constitution itself.

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Study Says Fluoride Linked To Many Health Problems

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There is clear evidence that small amounts of fluoride, at or near levels added to U.S. water supplies,present potential risks to the thyroid gland, according to the National Research Council's (NRC) first-ever published review of the fluoride/thyroid literature.

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CIA "Torture Jet" Crash Lands With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

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From the "Seems too crazy to be true" files comes this story, which now has quite a load of hard evidence to back it up.

A Florida-based Gulfstream II jet aircraft #N987SA crash-landed on September 24, 2007, after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. It had a cargo of several tons of cocaine on board. Now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this cocaine-smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft that crashed in Mexico to the CIA, who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.

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The Tom Cruise Indoctrination Video

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Didn't get a chance to watch the terrifyingly creepy Tom Cruise video yesterday before Scientologists pulled it off YouTube? Well, managed to get their hands on a copy and now they'd like to invite you to watch in all its technicolor glory. Nevermind the orgs, nevermind the SPs and nevermind David Miscaviage, Defamer won't hesitate to put their ethics on ANYONE! Don't miss out, over one billion earth humans have been served. KSW and KFC forever (or something). This is must-see. Do not pass go without watching this video.

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Top 25 Censored News Stories Of 2008

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Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.

Between 700 and 1000 stories are submitted to Project Censored each year from journalists, scholars, librarians, and concerned citizens around the world. With the help of more than 200 Sonoma State University faculty, students, and community members, Project Censored reviews the story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and national significance. The university community selects 25 stories to submit to the Project Censored panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. Current or previous national judges include: Noam Chomsky, Susan Faludi, George Gerbner, Sut Jhally , Frances Moore Lappe, Norman Solomon, Michael Parenti, Herbert I. Schiller, Barbara Seaman, Erna Smith, Mike Wallace and Howard Zinn. All 25 stories are featured in the yearbook, Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News.

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His Early Writings: Is Ron Paul A Racist Wingnut?

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Ron Paul writes in an early newsletter, that blacks are "barbarians", "The criminals who terrorize our cities--in riots and on every non-riot day--are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are. As children, they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills.."

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Military Recruitment Facts, Myths And Outright Lies

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According to a new book called, "Army of None", there are plenty of reasons to be very suspicious about what a military recruiter tells you about the benefits and details of service in the armed forces...


Top 10 Big Stories Censored By US Media

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Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of top news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.

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