Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is BSAlert?
    The idea behind the site is to serve as a clearing house for news and articles of interest that don't always seem to jive with common sense.

    Every day you often hear about things that you think are illogical, ironic, stupid, insightful, interesting or just make you angry and frustrated. This is the place where you can vent your frustration by sharing this news and commentary with others.

    Alternatively, occasionally you might hear of something that flies in the face of BS, and such stories are also worthy of calling attention to.

    Beyond all that, is the desire to provoke further thought and diologue on a variety of important as well as mundane issues.

  • Does this site have any political agenda?
    It may seem like it at times, but the truth is the site's content and slant will vary depending upon the contributors. There are a core group, at the time of this writing of about a half-dozen friends who seek out interesting stories and news and post here. But we're also expecting more regular users to contribute stories.

    Everyone has an opinion. Everyone is biased in one way or another. That doesn't mean that this site, or any site doesn't have valuable insight and information to provide.

  • I made a submission. Why was it not posted?
    Either the moderators haven't looked at it yet, or they may feel it isn't appropriate for the front page of the site. Don't be discouraged, but we don't want the site turned into a forum where people exercise personal grudge matches against obscure entities. Perhaps the article wasn't concise or well-written? Please try again and make sure your submission fits with the site's general theme.

  • When was BSAlert started?
    We went live 05/18/2004.

Pursuant to Section 230 of Title 47 of the United States Code (47 USC § 230), BSAlert is a user-contributed editorial web site and does not endorse any specific content, but merely acts as a "sounding board" for the online community. Any and all quoted material is referenced pursuant to "Fair Use" (17 U.S.C. § 107). Like any information resource, use your own judgement and seek out the facts and research and make informed choices.

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