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The Oracle Problem Hits America Hard

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[News Media]
Believe it or not, there's an explanation for what's happening in American society on a quantum level, from the popularity of crypto-currency, to our social and political divisions and even the insurrection at Capital Hill: America Has "The Oracle Problem."

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Posted by Pile (17556 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
There's a new web site that is becoming increasingly popular among social media exchanges and people trying to find a way to wade through news reports and "find the truth through the bias."

One such site that's picking up traction is called, But a look under the hood, or even a casual glance reveals it's not what it appears to be...

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What I Learned Reading the NZ Shooter's Manifesto

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The mainstream Internet has gone out of its way to scrub any reference to the Christchurch shooter's manifesto from the Internet. While I can appreciate the desire to not make terrorists famous and as a side effect validate their atrocious activities, I think this pales in comparison to a select group of institutions deciding what is and isn't appropriate content for my adult brain to absorb, process, and compute on its own.

Therefore I took the arduous task of navigating the minefield of censorship to read the NZ Shooter's so-called "manifesto" and report what I learned... because if I linked the whole thing, chances are, this site would be erased from most Western search engines. (Yay freedom of speech!)

Note that we here at BSA are completely in favor of any site exercising their right to restrict their systems from promoting hate speech and intolerance. But it's also important to call attention to what is motivating these people - this is a key to how to stop them, and sometimes that requires diving deep into their cesspool. So here are our thoughts on this...

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Dale Hansen on "Responsible Gun Owners"

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[News Media]
Dallas sportscaster, Dale Hansen steps away from the sports desk to deliver an insightful yet scathing monologue on the country's current inability to address the increasing domestic terrorist problem.

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Breaking News: BSAlert Style

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[News Media]
The Onion ran this piece and we found it too hilarious and poignant at the time. They dissect the anatomy of a filler "news" story. This is another great way to inoculate yourself against the formulaic media programming.

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Three Economic Myths That Cause Us to Vote Against Our Interests

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Robert Reich in approximately two minutes exposes 3 common economic myths that may be responsible for why so many Americans vote against their own interests... A very important and insightful explanation everyone should see...

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Thank You Jon Stewart!

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[News Media]
We here at BSAlert want to wish one of the very highest-quality human beings on the planet great fortune on their continued journey. We are very saddened to see Jon depart from the Daily Show and hope he will still be a regular fixture in media and continue to bless us with his unique take on society.

Here is Jon Stewart's farewell message, one which we especially appreciate, on the importance of identifying and dealing with.... Bullshit!

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Disgruntled Fox News Employee Kills Himself Produces Epic Video

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[News Media]
[Lonely People]
Phillip Perea, a former employee of a Fox station in Texas shot and killed himself outside the front doors of the News Corporation building shortly before 9 a.m. Monday. In the wake of the suicide, he left a huge series of well-produced video sequences outlining his grievances with Fox News. In the epic series, one has to wonder WTF?

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Discovery Channel Should Change Its Name To "Shark Bullshit" Ch

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The Discovery Channel's obsessive quest for ratings has caused one of its most popular series of programming: shows about sharks, to veer deep into bullshit territory. Now the channel routinely just makes stuff up and doesn't apologize for it. Check out this expose of the Discovery Channel's foray into deception..

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Russell Brand Dissects Fox News "Debate" On Israel-Palestine

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[News Media]
Russell Brand takes a look at a typical Fox News report, or "debate" with pundits over the day's issues. In this case, guests talking about Israel's invasion of Palestine. He asks, "Who is really acting like a terrorist?

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