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Most Bankruptcies Are From Healthcare From Insured Persons

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Dennis Kucinich takes the floor of Congress to bring the painful reality that the current crop of "healthcare bills" are little more than grandstanding. Until there are no more institutions that profit from withholding healthcare from citizens, nothing will improve.

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FDA Announces Drugs That Are Being Reviewed

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U.S. regulators on Thursday listed two dozen drugs, including weight-loss medicines and sleep disorder pills, that it is at an early stage of reviewing for potential safety problems. Many drugs that people may think are safe, may not be as safe, including Chantix, Xenical, Orlistat, Nuvigil, Provigil and others.

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ACLU Sues Over Human Gene Patents Curtailing Cancer Research

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Patents on two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancers are being challenged in court by the American Civil Liberties Union, which argues that patenting pure genes is unconstitutional and hinders research for a cancer cure.

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Top Researcher Fabricated Numerous Medical Studies On Pain Drugs

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If you think the drugs you're taking are safe, you might not want to hear about this next story from the Wall Street Journal.

A prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist allegedly fabricated 21 medical studies that claimed to show benefits from painkillers like Vioxx and Celebrex, according to the hospital where he worked.

Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., said that its former chief of acute pain, Scott S. Reuben, had faked data used in the studies, which were published in several anesthesiology journals between 1996 and 2008.

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American Pharmaceuticals Sell HIV-Infected Drugs Overseas

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Just when you think you've heard it all, a shocking story surfaces that most of the mainstream media has not reported. Would an American drug company, upon finding that a supply of blood-based drugs was tainted with the HIV virus, offload these drugs overseas in an attempt to make a profit? Foreign regulators that have allowed this to happen are in prison. Nobody in the United States seems to even know this happened!

So what happens when a drug company gets blood for its new hemophiliac medication from a prison in Arkansas? And who do they dump the tainted drugs off on? And who is accountable?

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Supreme Court May Give Drug Companies Immunity

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The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.

Under a legal argument known as "pre-emption," the FDA's approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process. While courts have rejected this argument for decades, the winds appear to be shifting.

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Study Shows Antidepressant Drugs Don't Work

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They are among the biggest-selling drugs of all time, the "happiness pills" that supposedly lift the moods of those who suffer depression and are taken by millions of people every year.

But one of the largest studies of modern antidepressant drugs has found that they have no clinically significant effect. In other words, they don't work.

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FDA Drags Feet On Bayer Recall, 22,000 Dead

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The lives of 22,000 patients could have been saved if U.S. regulators had been quicker to remove a Bayer AG drug used to stem bleeding during open heart surgery, according to a medical researcher interviewed by CBS Television's 60 Minutes program.

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F.D.A. To Drug Companies: Suicide is Bad!

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The Food and Drug Administration, tasked not only with regulating my two favorite vices but determining whether or not a drug will kill us all, has made a pretty interesting decision. They will require companies to not only disclose if their drugs kill people, but to find out if their drugs make people kill themselves.

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Pfizer Cranks Out New Diseases

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"Fibromyalgia is a real, widespread pain condition," stresses a woman in a television ad for Lyrica, a Pfizer drug that recently became "the first medicine approved to treat the pain condition." But some doctors have their doubts. These skeptics "say vague complaints of chronic pain do not add up to a disease.

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Cigna Defends Administrative Decision That Leaves Girl Dead

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Cigna HealthCare is taking heat this Christmas but isn't backing down after its decision to deny a liver transplant to a teenager afflicted with leukemia left her dead.

Nataline Sarkisyan, 17, died last week after suffering complications following a bone marrow transplant. Cigna had refused to cover a liver transplant the girl's doctors had requested, dubbing it "experimental," only to reconsider at the last minute when the girl's parents had already decided to take her off life support.

After taking a beating in the press and on the Web, the Philadelphia-based insurance giant distributed a letter to the press Monday defending their decision.

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Maher: Ask Your Doctor If Getting Off Your Ass Is Right For You

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Bill Maher goes off on a classic tirade against the pharmaceutical industry. It turns out diet and exercise is just as much (if not more) effective a treatment against depression as Zoloft and Paxil. Go ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you!

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John Stossel Called Out For His Healthcare Hit Piece In WSJ

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ABC's John Stossel wrote a story for the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Sick Sob Stories" where he lambasts a woman whose story appeared in the movie, "Sicko". Unfortunately, he didn't do his homework and the widow has quite a bit to say about this yellow journalistic hit piece.

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Doctor Buys Huge Interest In Lion's Gate, Distributor of Sicko

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Would you find it suspicious that a doctor with heavy ties to the HMO and Pharmaceutical industry suddenly went on a quest to acquire controlling interest in Lion's Gate, the distribution company for Michael Moore's movie, "Sicko" a week before it opened? And then the movie's release in theaters seems to rapidly diminish? Coincedence? Or has Lion's Gate now become a puppet of big pharma?

Bill Maher's upcoming film critical of religion is also set to be distributed by Lion's Gate. Are we going to see a trend of activist films being limited in distribution by their corporate controllers?

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Rapper Aims At Pharmaceutical Companies With Hilarious Spoof

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The New Jersey rapper, Sudden Death, has launched a free-to-play track which mocks the drug industry's direct-to-consumer advertising. The song, titled Pillagers, describes the experience of a man taking two dozen pills for various conditions and being prescribed the drug Liquiplox that "relaxes the lining of your throat making it easier to take pills". "Liquiplox isn't for everyone. People without health insurance or who otherwise may be unable to pay should not take Liquiplox. Do not stop taking any of your other medications without consulting your doctor as this may cause an unsafe drop in our profit margins."

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Michael Moore Plays Hardball

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Michael Moore appeared on Chris Matthews' Hardball program to talk about healthcare and a whole lot more. Take a look at the video..

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Newsflash: OxyContin Is Apparently Addictive

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Purdue Pharma L.P., the maker of OxyContin, and three of its executives were ordered Friday to pay a $634.5 million fine for misleading the public about the painkiller's risk of addiction.

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Michael Moore on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

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Michael Moore appears on Keith Olbermann's show and address the supposed inaccuracies of his film... check it out.

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Sanjay Gupta's "Fact Checking" Needs Its Own Fact Checking

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[News Media]
In the wake of the scandalous appearance Michael Moore made on TSR, Larry King takes time away from his schedule of obsessing over Paris Hilton and lost white girls from rich parents, to address the conflict between Moore and Dr. Gupta's claim that Sicko has some "fact fudging".

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Alli OOPS - Xenical-Based Diet Drug Not Getting Rave Reviews

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GlaxoSmithKline has launched a $150 million promotion campaign for its over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss drug, Alli. But not all media coverage is up-beat about what is a lower-dose version of Roche's prescription only drug, Xenical. New York Daily News reporter Julian Kesner reports that Alli consumers "might just find themselves $50 poorer, lacking in vitamins ... and suffering a bout of diarrhea."

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