PATH: BS | Science | Pseudo-Science

John Oliver Exposes The Media's Abuse Of Scientific Research

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Is science BS? Or is there BS masquerading as science?

Do you ever wonder why there seems to be conflicting news reports on the health/danger of various substances? Something is healthy, then another report says it's not? Who knows what to believe these days? Is science that contradictory? NO! The problem lies not in science as much as it is the fault of the news media mis-interpreting scientific studies. See John Oliver expose this industry and inoculate yourself against pseudo-scientific BS masquerading as legitimate research results.

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MD Claims Quantum Physics Proves Consciousness Lives After Death

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There are a number of new agey articles floating around the facebooks and internets promoting a very old concept called, "biocentrism", that existence is all subjective and the product of our own minds.

A seemingly-respectable medical doctor has recently published a book and is now on a big press-push, hyping this notion that consciousness lives on after death of the physical body. Let's take a look at how "sciencey" this "doctor" actually is...

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Archeologist Debunks History Channel's "Ancient Aliens"

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One of the archaeologists at Bad Archaeology lambastes the History Channel for its series Ancient Aliens and treating its nonsense as though it were fact.

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Make Your Own Flying Spaghetti Monster Holiday Lights

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We here at BSA want to get in the holiday spirit too, and what better way than to show off these cool, festive holiday lights... Find out how you can make your own too!

We also have t-shirts for sale with a picture of my FSM hovering over my neighbor's "traditional" lawn. WizeGurl also created a very cool graphic FSM "May the Flying Spaghetti Monster illuminate your solstice" that she's got on shirts and greeting cards. We guarantee that 0% of these proceeds will go anywhere near the state of Kansas! Help support our site if you're interested. Thanks! Enjoy!

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Storm: You Should Watch Scooby Doo

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Tim Minchkin launches a beat poem to end it all. A brilliant and magical tirade on the nature of irrationality.

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Top Researcher Fabricated Numerous Medical Studies On Pain Drugs

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If you think the drugs you're taking are safe, you might not want to hear about this next story from the Wall Street Journal.

A prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist allegedly fabricated 21 medical studies that claimed to show benefits from painkillers like Vioxx and Celebrex, according to the hospital where he worked.

Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., said that its former chief of acute pain, Scott S. Reuben, had faked data used in the studies, which were published in several anesthesiology journals between 1996 and 2008.

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BSA Podcast #11 - Bogosity

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
There's a cool viral video series online from a guy named Shane Killian. It's like the poor man's version of Penn & Teller's "bullshit" series. We interview Shane and talk to him about all things bogus, as well as some of his opinions on society and politics.

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Posted by Pile (15865 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A fun viral video series floating around the net is a show we like called, "Bogosity". We interviewed producer Shane Killian for a future podcast and thought we might introduce you to this neat show...

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LA Governor, Bobby Jindal calls Intelligent Design "Science"

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Add newly-elected Louisiana governor, Republican Bobby Jindal, to the short list of people who think "intelligent design" belongs in science class, despite virtually every scientist of any renown on the planet claiming creationism is not science. What's next? Alchemy along side Chemistry? See the video...

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Super-Superstitious John McCain

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Don't try to pass a salt shaker to John McCain. He won't take it from your hand because it's bad luck.

The Arizona senator also won't throw a hat on a bed — it means death will soon visit the household — but he regularly carries 31 cents in lucky change in his pocket.

Now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has converted his staff to his famously superstitious ways. Whenever anyone says something optimistic — especially about this fall's general election — a slew of staffers join him in knocking on wood.

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Scientist Who Appeared In "Expelled" Is Expelled From Screening

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This must be the most ironic story we've ever submitted. The Creationist propaganda movie claiming the scientific community is discriminating against those who believe differently, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" held a screening at the Mall of America. In attendance were many people who were featured in the film, including Biology professor PZ Myers, who was found and asked to leave the theater. All the while, his friend standing next to him was ignored. Who was his friend? Oxford professor Richard Dawkins!

We have a video interview of the event.

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BSAlert Show 5 - James Randi on Paranormalism and Phenomenon

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
James Randi is interviewed by the BSAlert crew in this podcast, wherein we comment on everything from Georgia's "Prayer for rain" campaign, NBC's Phenomenon TV show, and Uri Geller, to the state of mysticism in American society.

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Welcome To The Age of "Unenlightenment"

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Charlie Brooker of London's Guardian writes, "In the 18th century, a revolution in thought, known as the Enlightenment, dragged us away from the superstition and brutality of the Middle Ages toward a modern age of science, reason and democracy."

But now, he claims, we're entering a new era: The Unlightenment - in which centuries of rational thought are overturned by the superstitious.

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Museum Won't Make A Monkey Out Of Your Ancestors

Posted by ueberbill (13101 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A new and exciting museum has just opened in Northern Kentucky. For those of you who think that dinosaurs and humans once frolicked together 6,000 years ago and that evolutionary scientists are full of Satan's lies then you've GOT to check it out. It's the Creation Museum, and it'll give you that warm and fuzzy Old Testament feeling!

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Peanut Butter Proves God Created Life?

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Did you know that a jar of peanut butter holds the key to demonstrating the "fact" that creation is real and evolution is phony? Check out this amusing video from Christian anti-science proponent, Chuck Missler.

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Exxon Paid Religious Groups To Dismiss Global Warming

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ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in an effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday.

After all, what group is better qualified to discredit science than religious people... Who needs a Ph.D. when you've got a Baptist preacher in an El Dorado.

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Using The Bible To Explore For Oil?

Posted by Pile (13540 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Does Israel have beneath its surface an enormous oil reserve mapped out in the Old Testament that when found will immediately change the geopolitical structure of the Middle East and confirm the validity of the Bible to people around the world?

So believe the officers of Zion Oil, a company using updated scientific methods alongside biblical text to explore for oil north of Tel Aviv.

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Forbes Guide To Becoming Your Own Super Hero

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With the success of Batman Begins in the theatres, everyone is talking about how the story is about a millionaire with no special powers who equips himself with training and equipment to become a crime fighter. Forbes has produced a story outlining what the real world costs would be to begin being Batman.

Obviously being a super-villian costs a bit less. You just need to come from a rich Republican dynasty.

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International Misery Day: January 24th

Posted by RantMaster (11839 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Lonely People]
An academic at Cardiff University in England has come up with a formula [1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA] which he has used to compute the worst day of the year. And it's coming up this Monday.

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