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BitCoin vs Beanie Babies

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In celebration of the recent elevation in Bitcoin price, we thought it was apropos to publish a revised "investment guide"..

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"9/11 Never Forget".... what?

Posted by Pile (22053 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
While everybody is remembering 9/11, here's something to think about.

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Louisiana's "Bestiality Ten" - Senators Protect Animal Sex

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[Beating Dead Horses]
The Louisiana Senate voted on April 10th, on a bill criminalizing sex with animals. The measure passed on a vote of 25 to 10 in favor (with 4 abstaining).

The bill's author, New Orleans Senator JP Morrell says it's important that the state has a way to arrest someone for having sex with animals.

He told fellow lawmakers, "God forbid you vote against this bill, good luck explaining it."

Ten senators did vote against it.

Here are LA's "Bestiality Ten" - Make 'em famous!

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The Hamster Wheel Of Gun Violence And Citizen Helplessness

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[Beating Dead Horses]
It's that time of the year. Domestic terrorist shooting time. It seems to have a season, not unlike fishing or harvest time.

Along with it comes another season: Blaming, Whining and Complaining.

Will Americans actually do something or are they cursed to merely complain and flail their arms in the air helplessly?

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Kellyann Conway's Masterful Use of Bullshit Exposed

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Kellyanne Conway has a supernatural ability to derail any interview that paints Donald Trump in a negative light. How does she do it?

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Is Donald Trump Illiterate?

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[Beating Dead Horses]
At least one investigative journalist shows numerous examples of a compelling argument that suggests Donald Trump might not be able to read. Watch and see for yourself...

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Donald Trump... Destroyed By Donald Trump

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Never in the history of any political election has their ever been somebody like Donald Trump. His opponents need to only put together videos of his statements... IN CONTEXT and they still are unbelievable... watch and see for yourself...

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Hacker Statements Regarding Ashley Madison "Affair"

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[Beating Dead Horses]
It's widely known now, that a group of hackers calling themselves, "The Impact Team" has apparently infiltrated the computer networks of the parent company of adultery-promoting web site, They originally demanded the company shut down their sites or risk having their customers' personal information made public. The hackers have apparently followed-through on their promise, and all around the world, regional groups and media have grabbed the data and made various discoveries based on its contents.

What may not be so clear is exactly why this group did this? It appears to be about more than just Here are some of the statements made by the hackers from the data they released. And just exactly what data do the hackers have? They give a few examples that we've sanitized so you can see without compromising anybody's privacy.

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Top 8 Reasons Why Your Rebel "Heritage" Flag Is Bullshit

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[Beating Dead Horses]
With all this "controversy" we feel it's important to give at least eight solid reasons why your "heritage not hate" campaign is complete bullshit, so hold onto your pitchforks and check out this exclusive list...

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Jeb Bush - Same As George W?

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[Beating Dead Horses]
An image we made up that sums up the priorities of one of the 2016 candidates...

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8 Reasons why Bernie Sanders is the best candidate in the race

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[Beating Dead Horses]
*BSA Exclusive Editorial*

I dig Bernie Sanders. I've always loved him and his perspective. I agree with 99% of what he promotes in terms of long-term policy. But I still find myself uneasy with his candidacy. I will vote for whoever gets the Democratic nomination, but I'm not convinced people understand the dynamics and what's really in play right now?

As many of those on the left and the "disenfranchised" are "feeling the Bern" and hopping on the Bernie Sanders bandwagon, theres a schism developing among those who pine for social change.

It seemed hard to fathom that a candidate that has been so succinctly enumerating many of the problems people on the left, center and right have been harping about has now become so contentious?

I gotta be honest.. to me it feels like another Deja Vu moment. How I felt when I heard all my friends get so excited about Ralph Nader in 2000, and how his fresh rhetoric was going to change the political landcape...

It doesn't seem to make sense. Even among the editors at BSAlert, there's contention on the value of a Sanders presidency. Allow us to provide you with what we think are some troubling issues with Sanders and why we feel, as much as we love what he says, In my opinion (though not the opinion of everybody here) Sanders is a pied piper more than he is a path to change...

If all you want is Bernie elected; if all you care about is "sending the message" ok, I can't argue with that. But if you care about actually seeing his policy ideas executed, and moving in a more progressive direction during the next 4-8 years, you have to at least be open to these arguments...

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Posted by Pile (11928 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
With the rampant rages in the social media circles over everything from living wages to police brutality, there's a growing air of discontent brewing in American culture.

Unfortunately, it's always been there.

And it reminds of what John and Yoko said almost half a century ago, "War is over (if you want it)."

Those simple words hold such power and meaning, and it seems people today still don't understand what they meant.

I was prompted to use my horrible Photoshop skills to expand their message and inject a new meme into the social landscape... feel free to share....

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Actually Significant Charity Challenge Ideas

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[Beating Dead Horses]
[Viral Marketing]
Right now it's all the craze to, amidst one of the hottest-record Summer seasons, dump a bucket of ice water on your head as an alternative to donating towards ALS research. The list of public and private people who have jumped on this goofy bandwagon is too numerous to mention.

Has anybody figured out what a bucket of icewater actually has to do with a degenerative nerve disease? Does Lou Gherig's disease make you suddenly feel wet & cold for about five minutes on a hot Summer day?

Sorry, but count me in the tiny little camp of people scratching our heads wondering what difference this really makes? Has anyone managed to prove that more money = more curing? Jerry Lewis over 50 years, raised tons of money for Muscular Dystrophy research and there's still absolutely no cure. Perhaps using money to as a gauge of "success" in medical research is not the right approach?

But we here at BSA digress... it's not really about making the world a better place. It's about making YOU feel like you're doing something, even if you're not, so you can go to bed thinking you're "making a difference" because you dumped a bucket of icewater on your head. Congratulations!

However, if you are wondering, are there better, more appropriate "Charity Challenge" events you could promote, we at BSAlert have come up with a few. Check them out....

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Open Carry And Suburbia

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[Beating Dead Horses]
I can't help but think... why do gun nuts always choose to "exercise their 2A rights" in cozy, whitebread, surburban establishments like Starbucks, Home Depot and Chipotle?

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Students In "Intro To Congress" Class At Harvard Caught Cheating

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[Beating Dead Horses]
More than half of the roughly 125 Harvard University students investigated by the college’s disciplinary board for cheating on a take-home exam last spring were forced to temporarily withdraw, school officials announced Friday.

The disclosure, communicated in an e-mail to the Harvard community from Michael D. Smith, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, was the most extensive accounting of what is being called the Ivy League’s largest cheating scandal in recent times.

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TDS Shows Why CNN Is The Biggest Name In News

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[News Media]
[Beating Dead Horses]
As only they can, Jon Stewart checks in with the original "news network" CNN and sees how they are doing these days at reporting news....

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You Are Worth More To Your Boss Dead Than Alive

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Did you know that if you work at Wal-Mart, the corporation will take out a secret life insurance policy on you, naming themselves as the beneficiary? It's called "Dead Peasant Insurance" and thousands of corporations do it. It seems that most employees are worth more dead, than alive to these companies and they gamble and speculate with the insurance industry to make money when their employees die.

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Senate Shoots Down "Public Option" Health Reform

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[Beating Dead Horses]
The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday rejected two Democratic amendments that would have created a government-run "public option" as part an overhaul of the nation's health-insurance system, with the panel's chairman bowing to staunch Republican opposition that he said would prevent final passage of a bill containing such a provision.

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Bill Maher's New Rules

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[Beating Dead Horses]
This week's "Real Time" with Bill Maher has some choice "new rules" including commentary on Sara Palin being a "rebel?" and whether or not the History Channel should change it's name to the "Poor Life Choices Network"...

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Keith Olbermann: Obama Is Wrong And Selling America Out

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In the wake of the release of the memos from the Bush administration showing their fraudulent mandate for torture and disregard for domestic and International law, President Obama has claimed it's time to put that behind us. "No. You're wrong.", says Keith Olbermann, and he's not alone.

Perhaps one of his most compelling and powerful arguments, Keith shows how the nation has never "moved forward" without "fixing the mistakes of the past" first and foremost, and until that is done, the past is destined to repeat itself with even more heinous results. Best Godwin argument I've ever seen...

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