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The Science (and Company) Behind The Trump and Brexit Elections

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Did you know there's a single company behind some of the most controversial elections in modern history? An ad company that has been using Facebook and "psychometrics" to accurately predict, classify and manipulate people and elections?

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How God Reveals His Existence To His Followers?

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This may be one of the most interesting and poignant videos ever that demonstrates the unusual dynamic between not just believers and non-believers, but between different religious factions.

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How The Media Manipulates Our Morals

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Just how much media are young people exposed to on a daily basis and how does this affect their morals and outlook and behavior? Is the modern media determining what the next generation's priorities are? And what are those priorities? A new documentary entitled "Miss Representation" explores what's going on with young people, and specifically how women are affected and portrayed by modern media.

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Top Five Regrets Of The Terminally Ill

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[Lonely People]
Have you ever wondered if you knew your life was nearing its end, if you would have done things differently?

Here's what someone working in hospice care says some of their patients regret.

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Russell Brand "On The Nature Of Fame"

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English comedian Russell Brand outlines the nature of his desire "to be famous" and in a short 10 minutes outlines a brilliant, cogent diatribe on the psychology of fame...

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Anybody's Son Will Do

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In 1983, the National Film Board of Canada produced a 57-minute film, "Anybody's Son Will Do". Arguably the best documentary on military recruitment ever made, and tailored for public television, it scared the hell out of the U.S. military machine, which has done its best to "disappear" it. For years it has been nearly impossible to find a copy, until now.


Who Are You Better Than?

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An otherwise routine post in one of the online motorcycle enthusiast forums has been making the rounds as a powerful and poignant expose of what makes the modern conservative/right wing movement tick.

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Sam Harris: Science Can Answer Life's Important Questions

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It's often argued that science can provide a lot of insight into the world, but ultimately cannot answer life's most important questions: What is the meaning of life? What is and isn't moral behavior? What is worth killing or dying for? Sam Harris makes a convincing argument otherwise.

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Craig Ferguson Has Figured It All Out

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Have you ever wondered why it's fashionable to be young and stupid? Craig Ferguson has it figured out...


Is The Key To Happiness All About Time Perspective?

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[Good News]
Stanford professor of psychology Philip Zimbardo has a very interesting and insightful take on how we can look at human behavior, impulse control and motivation. He believes it all comes down to our "time perspective" and makes a compelling case for associating these biases towards the past, present and future as the main factors that control our behavior, addictions, desires and sense of satisfaction.

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What's In Your Cupboard?

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[Bad Parents]
A clever group has put together a short animated film called, "Instruction Manual For Life", and created a unique metaphor for peoples' ideology and sense of tolerance. Check out this insightful film..

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Scientific Study Shows Conservatives Aren't Interested In Truth

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A new study out of Yale University confirms what argumentative liberals have long-known: Offering reality-based rebuttals to conservative lies only makes conservatives cling to those lies even harder. In essence, schooling conservatives makes them more stupid.

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Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

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What would you do if you knew your death was immediately impending? What would you say?

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.

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Are Americans Becoming Even More Unintelligent?

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Susan Jacoby writes an interesting op-ed addressing what appears to not only be a decline in the intellect of Americans, but an obnoxious sense of increasing pride in being ignorant...

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Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

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Alfonso Cuarón, director of Children of Men, and Naomi Klein, author of No Logo, present a short film from Klein's book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, chronicling how a government uses fear to impose an unbridaled level of free market capitalism that benefits their sponsors at the expense of human rights.

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Note To Self: Don't Get Out Of The Car In Texas!

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An angry Texas crowd has beaten and killed a 40-year-old car passenger after a driver injured a young girl near the site of a busy local festival.

Police said the driver of the car had stopped to check on the health of the girl, said to be aged three or four.

But when the passenger got out to see how she was, he was set upon by a group of up to 20 people before being left lying in a car park, police said.

The girl was hit at low speed and was not seriously injured.

The incident happened near Austin, Texas, as crowd of between 2,000-3,000 people gathered for the annual Juneteenth festival, which commemorates the freeing of American slaves.

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Dating: Summed Up In One Craigslist Ad

Posted by Pile (12977 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Lonely People]
Ever wonder what kind of women are *really* out there? What if someone posted a truly honest personal ad?

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Fundamentalists Will Prove God Exists In 13 Minutes

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Ok everybody, hold onto your hat.... actor Kirk Cameron and "best-selling" author Ray Comfort (aka "Banana Man") will square off with two atheists, known as the Rational Responders in New York on Saturday, May 5. ABC originally planned to stream the 90-minute debate LIVE on their website, but decided to reschedule the broadcast to capture a larger audience. Watch the Face Off Wednesday May 9 at 2 p.m. on ABC News Now, and on Nightline at 11:35 p.m.

Of course, we'll have the video here as soon as it becomes available... get excited... Ray Comfort, the guy who proved God exists by wielding a banana promises he can convince a national audience he will win a debate against the Rational Response team, a group of Internet atheists.

We've covered this before, check out our recent religious debate article.

UPDATE: Brian from RRS has publicly acknowledged that yours truly, Pile, has contributed to some of the content of the debate. The video should be out Wednesday.. stay tuned.

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New Mexico Features Talking Urinal Cakes

Posted by Pile (11370 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
New Mexico is hoping to keep drunk drivers off the road by lecturing them at the last place they usually stop before getting behind the wheel: the urinal.

The state recently paid $21 each for about 500 talking urinal-deodorizer cakes and has put them in bathrooms in bars and restaurants across the state.

When a guy steps up, the motion-sensitive plastic device says, in a woman's voice that is flirty, then stern: "Hey, big guy. Having a few drinks? Think you had one too many? Then it's time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home."

The recorded message ends: "Remember, your future is in your hand."

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Stress Causes Intelligence Loss

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Professor Elizabeth Gould from Princeton University is discovering some interesting things via her primate research. Most notably that under stress, the brain does not create as many new cells. In short, the environment we are in has a direct impact on the capacity and healthy functioning of our brain.

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