New Mexico Features Talking Urinal Cakes

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
New Mexico is hoping to keep drunk drivers off the road by lecturing them at the last place they usually stop before getting behind the wheel: the urinal.

The state recently paid $21 each for about 500 talking urinal-deodorizer cakes and has put them in bathrooms in bars and restaurants across the state.

When a guy steps up, the motion-sensitive plastic device says, in a woman's voice that is flirty, then stern: "Hey, big guy. Having a few drinks? Think you had one too many? Then it's time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home."

The recorded message ends: "Remember, your future is in your hand."

The talking urinal represents just the latest effort to fight drunken driving in New Mexico, which has had one of the highest rates of alcohol-related traffic deaths in the nation. The new tactic is aimed only at men, since they account for 78 percent of all driving-under-the-influence-related convictions in New Mexico.


in your hand?
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-02-17 16:13:05
If he's at the urinal, I don't think that's his future in his hand--unless that's some kind of new slang term.

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