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Princeton Student's Suicide Note Reveals Tortured Life

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[Bad Parents]
Princeton Graduate student, Bill Zeller's life ended this week, by his own doing. But what marks his departure is probably the most cogent, expressful and poignant suicide note ever written. He wants to make sure this note does not disappear from cyberspace so we've posted it here...

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What's In Your Cupboard?

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[Bad Parents]
A clever group has put together a short animated film called, "Instruction Manual For Life", and created a unique metaphor for peoples' ideology and sense of tolerance. Check out this insightful film..

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Nebraska's "Safe Haven" Law Backfires

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[Bad Parents]
Nebraska's safe haven law was intended to allow parents to hand over an infant anonymously to a hospital without being prosecuted, presumably as a way to be "pro life" and discourage abortions.

Unfortunately things didn't work out the way lawmakers planned. Of the 34 children who have been dropped off at hospitals, officials said, not one has been an infant.

All but six have been older than 10, according to a Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services analysis. Now lawmakers are rushing to change the law while parents are rushing to Nebraska to drop their kids off before the law changes.

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Another Republican "Spends More Time With His Family"

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[Bad Parents]
We've all heard it before. A politician leaves office with the announcement that they want to spend more time with the family.

In the case of Missouri Republican Scott Muschany, this apparently means so he can rape his mistresses' 14-year old daughter. Go GOP! You guys never cease to amaze the rest of us with your feats of sexual deviancy!

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Ode To Baby Boomers

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[Bad Parents]
They took everything from their parents and gave nothing to their kids but problems.

The entire country went down the drain on their watch.

Now they demand more money from the government (US) so they can keep going to Biloxi to piss it into slot machines.

Instead, they should each get an itemized bill.

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Donate To The Conservatives? Are You Crazy? Oh, Yeah, You Are

Posted by ueberbill (11663 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Bad Parents]
A man who gave everything he had in his will to the UK's Conservative Party was crazy. And I don't mean that he was crazy to give all of his worldly goods to conservatives, although I certainly would like to. No, this guy was totally f*cking nuts.

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Overprotective Parents May Be Responsible For Fatality Increase

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[Bad Parents]
Parents who forbid their children to cross roads alone may be preventing them from learning vital lessons in how to avoid being run over, according to an analysis of official figures in England.

The proportion of children who are never allowed to cross a road unsupervised has risen each year for the past five years. But the number of child pedestrians being killed is also rising.

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Turn Your Child Into The Stepford Kid For Only Forty Bucks

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[Bad Parents]
The latest fad in the child beauty pageant market seems to be having your kid's image airbrushed into an otherworldly barbie doll pod person. And it only costs, $40!

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Dr. Laura's Son Accused Of Offensive Myspace Page

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[Bad Parents]
The soldier son of talk radio relationship counselor Laura Schlessinger is under investigation for a graphic personal Web page that one Army official has called "repulsive."

The MySpace page, publicly available until Friday when it disappeared from the Internet, included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture, and child molestation; photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee captioned "My Sweet Little Habib;" accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a series of obscenities and racial epithets.

The site is credited to and includes many photographs of Deryk Schlessinger, the 21-year-old son of the talk radio personality known simply as Dr. Laura.

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8-Year-Old Weighs 218 Pounds

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[Junk Food]
[Bad Parents]
A mother who feared she might lose custody of her obese 8-year-old son unless he lost weight was allowed to keep the boy after striking a deal Tuesday with social workers to safeguard his welfare.

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