Turn Your Child Into The Stepford Kid For Only Forty Bucks

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[Bad Parents]
The latest fad in the child beauty pageant market seems to be having your kid's image airbrushed into an otherworldly barbie doll pod person. And it only costs, $40!

The services include:
* Hair Added
* Irises moved for perfect eye contact
* Teeth "grown in" slightly
* Headband added
* Earrings added
* Dark circles removed
* Skin tanned
* Brows shaped
* Facil powder added
* Lipstick added
* Blush added
* Skin blended
* Background changed
* Model angled/ arm reshaped

The fine fold at pageantphotos are happy to turn your kid into some otherworldly freak, contact them at pageantphotos@aol.com

Steep yourself in more horror...click one of the "Total Makeover" links, then just keep clicking "More Samples" and the parade of evil continues. You can't look away....


Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-01 08:20:21
Oi, that is freakin' creepy
Posted by Juanita Obispo on 2011-01-05 12:19:40
hello im really interested in your dolls and was wondering how do i go forth with getting one of my own. id like to make one of my daughters so that i can give it to her for her b-day? please contact me a.s.a.p. 5098230628 or www.rebelde_rbd31@yahoo.com thnxs

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