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Burger King Ad Promotes Something Besides Its Products: Empathy

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[Mean People]
It's rare when we at BSAlert call attention to a corporate ad campaign on a positive note, but the latest commercial from the most unlikely of sources, Burger King, actually tugs on the heartstrings as well as the mind of consumers in a very creative way, and it's worth sharing...

It's also amusing to note that this is from the same company that several years ago launched an ad campaign that stated, "un-friend 10 people on Facebook and get a free whopper" at which point Burger King contacted each of the un-friended friends letting them know their friendship wasn't stronger than a free Whopper... so while we're not apt to completely forgive Burger King, we can appreciate their new turn... for now.


Carlos Mencia Kicked Off Mardi Gras Parade

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[Mean People]
The Krewe of Orpheus reneigned on their invitation to have Carlos Mencia reign as celebrity grand marshall in their 2009 Mardi Gras parade, when, within 24 hours of making the announcement they were made aware of the racist and obnoxious jokes he made about Katrina survivors in 2005, where among other things he said, "I'm glad Hurricane Katrina happened. It taught us an important lesson: black people can't swim."

No word yet if Joe Rogan will fill in. Let's hope so.

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Secret Memo Made Public In Torture Case

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[Mean People]
A secret memo authored by the Department of Justice (DOJ) asserting that President Bush has unlimited power to order brutal interrogations to extract information from detainees was declassified today as a result of an American Civil Liberties Union Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The memo, written by John Yoo, then a deputy at the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), was sent to the Defense Department in March 2003.

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Church Cleaning Leads To Christian Fistfight

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[Mean People]
The cradle of Christianity was rocked by an unholy punch-up when Greek Orthodox and Armenian priests came to blows in a dispute over how to clean Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

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Sports Fan Pays For Team Spirit With Testicles

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[Mean People]
Some people take college football rivalries pretty seriously. Aggressive trash talking or some mild vandalism are not uncommon when some see the colors of their school's hated rival. Some folks, however, are so serious they'll literally tear your balls off.

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Columbus Dispatch Cartoon Portrays Iranians As Cockroaches

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[Mean People]
[News Media]
So how far is too far in demonstrating how profoundly insensitive and mean-spirited a publisher can be? I think the editors of Ohio's Columbus Dispatch may have found a new low.

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Ted Nugent Threatens Obama & Clinton With Machine Guns

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[Mean People]
Ted Nugent, current poster child for tobacco-spittin', underage girl-seducing, vegetarian-hatin',gun-totin' neocon Republican rednecks has created yet another controversy as he waves around "machine guns" during his concert threatening the current crop of presidential candidates. See if you think this tirade he goes off on might be just a tad extreme and ask yourself who's a terrorist?

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Christian Boot Camp Officials Drag 15yo Girl Behind Van

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[Mean People]
Arrest warrants have been issued for two officials at a Christian boot camp, Love Demonstrated Ministries, accused of dragging a 15-year-old girl behind a van after she fell behind the group during a morning run, authorities said.

Charles Eugene Flowers and Stephanie Bassitt of San Antonio-based Love Demonstrated Ministries, a 32-day boot camp, are facing aggravated assault charges for the alleged June 12 incident.

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Announcing Falafel Day! A Celebration Of Bill O'Reilly

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[Mean People]
Today is officially "Falafel Day" where we celebrate the legacy of Fox News' keeper of the moral high ground: Bill O'Reilly.

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US Troops Leave Wounded Aussie To Die In Iraq

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[Mean People]
An Australian private security operator was left for dead by American forces after he was seriously wounded during an ambush in southern Iraq.

The US refused to provide a helicopter to evacuate the wounded man after being told he was Australian, News Limited reports.

The Queensland man, who suffered severe leg and abdominal injuries, was delivered to Basra air base by a British road convoy more than seven hours after the attack.


Dry Grass And It's Your Ass

Posted by ueberbill (12505 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Mean People]
A 70-year-old Utah woman has been released from jail after being arrested for failing to water her lawn and refusing to give a police officer her name. A police officer enforcing Orem, Utah's nuisance ordinance against neglected yards (it's unclear which ordinance might cover the roughing-up of little old ladies) knocked on Betty Perry's door a couple of day's ago and she opened up to see what was going on. Big mistake.

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Elizabeth Edwards PWNS Ann Coulter

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[Mean People]
The wife of presidential candidate John Edwards found out Ann Coulter was going to appear on Chris Matthews' show and decided she wanted to call in and confront the queen of partisan slime herself. Watch the festivities.

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Study Reveals Bill O'Reilly Calls People Names Every 6.8 Seconds

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[Mean People]
Bill O'Reilly may proclaim at the beginning of his program that viewers are entering the "No Spin Zone," but a new study by Indiana University media researchers found that the Fox News personality consistently paints certain people and groups as villains and others as victims to present the world, as he sees it, through political rhetoric.

The IU researchers found that O'Reilly called a person or a group a derogatory name once every 6.8 seconds, on average, or nearly nine times every minute during the editorials that open his program each night.

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World of Warcraft Player Gets Griefed For Griefing

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[Mean People]
What happens when you play online computer games and harass someone else's character? Well, you find out quickly if you make the mistake of telling them where you live and that you dare them to do anything about it.

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US Airways Doesn't Like To Be Criticized

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[Mean People]
Let's say you're sitting in your seat on U.S. Airways and the flight attendant goes into the obligatory safety speech prior to takeoff. Only this one does the whole thing so fast you can hardly understand what is said. The guy next to you comments about the hasty demonstration, and the next thing you know you're in police custody and being investigated by the FBI... wait, what?

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O'Reilly Loses His Falafel on Geraldo

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[Mean People]
Geraldo has all but lost his credibility these days, but this week he showed up on the O'Reilly factor and debated Mr. Bill over an issue involving a drunk driver committing manslaughter. Watch has Geraldo actually appears to be the voice of reason on this issue, which drives Bill O'Reilly completely nuts.

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Violent Scripture Increases Violence

Posted by wizeGurl (15923 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Mean People]
So much for the Good Book, it seems...or at least the bloody parts of it.

According to a study done concurrently by Brigham Young University in Utah and Vrije University in the Netherlands, exposure to violent Bible passages (and presumably, similar passages in other holy books) increases aggression in those exposed to it. In particular, religious believers were more willing to commit aggressive acts when they knew the violent passage had come from the Bible.

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Former USSR Political Prisoner No Match For Jesus' Friend

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Police said a motorist beat a former Soviet political prisoner to death with a rock Thursday at a New Jersey highway rest stop after the victim declined to buy his religious CDs.

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Michael Savage Dumped By Agent After Remarks

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[Mean People]
Hollywood's Creative Artists Agency has reportedly dropped its representation of radio host Michael Savage two days after announcing that it had signed him as a client. CAA's dumping of Savage followed a rant on February 26, over singer Melissa Etheridge's Academy Awards acceptance speech, in which she thanked her wife. Savage said, "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke. ... I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse."

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Pacifist Arrested For "Threatening" Action

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[Mean People]
Here's a word to the wise: If you're in Connecticut and you heckle a gubernatorial candidate during their campaign, and they ultimately get elected, don't be surprised if they put you on some sort of "threat list" at which point, doing something as innocuous as taking a photograph or dismounting a bicycle may land you in jail. And being a pacifist apparently doesn't help.

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