Posted by um... on 2007-03-16 11:31:40 | This guy killing someone for not buying Christian CDs, and "Religion of Peace" being a moniker often attributed to Islam in the contemporary sence, I would submit that the image doesn't exactly match the context of the story. |
Posted by Pile on 2007-03-16 15:28:52 | I don't make a distinction between any particular religion. They all claim to have exclusivity on a good number of issues such as morality and peace. |
It's Christian Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-03-19 15:15:12 | The image is clearly a reference to the Inquisition (or related religious-associated torture session), identified in part by period clothing. It was definitely a Christian phenomenon. (Though I'm sure there would be a parallel in almost any organized religion you care to name.) |
Necati Aydin, Tilman Geske, Ugur Yuksel Posted by Heatherross on 2007-05-03 16:54:16 | Here's one that is real! 3 men died in Turkey because they were Christians, how they died was unbelieveable. They were killed slowly by knives because they would not renounce their faith in Jesus Christ.
Press release in newspapers
Called it blood-for-blood revenge
Shadrack, Meshech, and Abednago
Standing before enemy
Testified of the Lord God to the end!
Widow of Tilman, Suzanne, speaks,
"Oh God, forgive them
For they do not know what they do."
Let Christ's words sink in deep
Words go on through eternity
falling on ears to hear
say what a thousand words could not say
to the worldwide church today
That Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednago
Thrown in the firey furnace this day
were not alone within the fire
Another stood with them all the way
Their testimony written on hearts
who bare them up in prayer
but for the men that died as martyrs
for the Living Christ without a moment of falter
Know the persecuted church will not fail!
In the middle of the fire
Was another standing by their side,
What a great honor
Lead to battle with the Lord
Never think that you are alone
No matter what the battle be
For in the middle of the battle with you,
is Christ the Living King!
They did not bend,
They did not bow,
They did not burn.
Never were once alone
Standing in a field of honor
Fallen warriors of the Lord
No greater honor
None more dignified
Then to carry their cross
into the heat of the battle
Their last words spoke of Christ, their Lord!
And the fire of the Spirit still burns bright....
Luke 23:34
Revelation 2:8-11: "And to the angel of the church of Smyrna write...'Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation 10 days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death."
How they died is gruesome, go to web site at World Net Daily: Widow of slain Christian: 'Forgive them'. April 28, 2007
World Net Daily, The Point-Prison Fellowship, Voice Of The Martyrs on persecution.com, Hot Off The Press http://www.chpc.org/hotpress/hotpress.html
qbee_75@hotmail.com |
The image of torture Posted by Heatherross on 2007-05-03 16:58:05 | Catholic "control" was controlled by man's domination, it was pagan and is pagan "religion". No where in the Bible, search till your blue in the face, you will not find it is a religion. Check it out. It is a kingdom and that is what Jesus Christ said, "His Kingdom". Big difference, guy. |