IOC ever-vigilant against "advertising terrorism"

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Athens seems like a pretty cool place to be for the Olympics, but it seems a lot of people are upset about the International Olympic Committee's obsessively facist rules to enforce what they call "Clean Venue Policy" - a nice way of saying you can't have even the slightest mention of products/logos that may conflict with a paying sponsor. One frustrated atendee said, "I was asked to turn my shirt inside out at the entrance to a match, because the logo was too large and I was sitting in front-row seats, where the TV cameras would have caught sight of me for sure,"

It's bad enough koke has taken over the event and forced even the althetes themselves to drink from label-stripped cans and bottles if they're not of a particular brand, but the IOC has gone even more overboard, policing everything from computer screen savers to spare change.


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