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Soldier Comments On Political Battle Over Iraq

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While most of the Republican party is towing the same "stay the course line", Ron Paul is continuing to argue for immediate withdrawal. In a recent debate Huckabee said we have to stay in Iraq "to preserve our honor", Ron Paul disagreed. Here's what one soldier who was deployed to Iraq has to say about it.


Bill Clinton Reacts To GOP Moveon Condemnation: Bait And Switch

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In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, President Bill Clinton said there was something "Completely disingenuous about the feigned outrage"? from conservatives over the MoveOn ad.


Senate Wastes Time/Money Slapping Wrist of

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Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death EstimatorHaving addressed all the nation's other issues, Congress now has time to waste passing meaningless resolutions saying they don't like stuff, such as activist group's recent ad calling Bush administration war spokesman, David Petraeus, a sell-out for not telling the truth about the surge's "progress."

In a classic case of Attack the messenger, ignore the message, conservative groups are going after, the New York Times and everybody in between, meanwhile the war rages on and the truth is lost in between the latest report on OJ, and those who disgree being called unpatriotic and fascist.

The Senate just told you to sit down and be quiet! What are you going to do about it?


Military Recruitment Facts, Myths And Outright Lies

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According to a new book called, "Army of None", there are plenty of reasons to be very suspicious about what a military recruiter tells you about the benefits and details of service in the armed forces...


A. Whitney Brown Supports Our Troops

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We've all heard the phrase, "Support Our Troops" but I think ex-Saturday Night Live player, A. Whitney Brown best describes what it all means...


Head Of Military Central Command At Odds With Gen. Petraeus

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CENTCOM Commander Gen. John Abizaid apparently is no friend of his cohort David Petreus, going so far as to say, Petraeus is "an ass-kissing little chickenshit."


"Iraq Veterans Against The War" Speak Out

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As more and more American soldiers are "stop-lossed" into continuing to serve, and more die, and more foreigners attack the US, veterans of the service are standing up and speaking out about what they think is going on. We've compiled a few interesting videos worth watching.

"If anybody does actually bring a dirty bomb into the United States, it's probably going to be the kid whose toy box we dumped out after we shot up his house."


US Army 1943 Guide To Iraq

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In 1943, The US Army published a guide to Iraq to help soldiers during World War II.
You have been ordered to Iraq (i - RAHK) as part of the world-wide offensive to beat Hitler.

You will enter Iraq both as a soldier and as an individual, because on our side a man can be both a soldier and an individual. That is our strength—if we are smart enough to use it. It can be our weakness if we aren't. As a soldier your duties are laid out for you. As an individual, it is what you do on your own that counts—and it may count for a lot more than you think.

American success or failure in Iraq may well depend on whether the Iraqis (as the people are called) like American soldiers or not. It may not be quite that simple. But then again it could...


Whoops! US Army Loses 190,000 Machine Guns In Iraq

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The Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.

Ya think?


US Troops Leave Wounded Aussie To Die In Iraq

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[Mean People]
An Australian private security operator was left for dead by American forces after he was seriously wounded during an ambush in southern Iraq.

The US refused to provide a helicopter to evacuate the wounded man after being told he was Australian, News Limited reports.

The Queensland man, who suffered severe leg and abdominal injuries, was delivered to Basra air base by a British road convoy more than seven hours after the attack.


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