PATH: BS | Business | PACs

Center for Consumer Freedom: Corporate Monkey For Hire

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Last spring, when the anti-fast-food documentary Super Size Me began opening in American theaters, an opinion writer named Richard Berman swung into action. He cranked out a scathing op-ed for the Chicago Sun-Times that blasted the film for "serving up a flawed premise: that we're powerless to stop Big Food from turning us into a nation of fatties."

Berman unfortunately is one of those PR whores who spends his days appearing on tv, radio and getting op-ed pieces conveniently placed in key media whenever one of his clients is on the hot seat, but his hubris is unmatched in the distasteful way he'll exploit anything to further the interests of his corporate pimps.

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Parents Television Council PAC responsible for FCC complaints

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Ever wonder what "force" was behind the big issue over Janet Jackson's breast on the Superbowl? Well, it's the PTC, Parents Television Council, a watchdog group that apparently is as much into exploiting BS and making money as they are enforcing their particular brand of morality.

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Swift Vets for sale... cheap

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The controversial veterans group that trashed the war record of Democratic Sen. John Kerry during the presidential campaign and helped hand President Bush a second term will remain a potent force, according to an associate of the group. They're "pondering their next step". Perhaps you too could have this group of lying, angry veterans (some of whom don't even know they're part of the organization) to help decimate your political opponent... IF the price is right.

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When a consumer group isn't really composed of consumers

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It's always nice to see "the public" rallying for change in government. The latest perverse mutation of this notion is in the form of the Consumer Alliance for Affordable Natural Gas, the brainchild of "CONsumers" such as Dupont, Dow Chemical and the American Chemistry Council, who endeavor to remove regulatory restrictions on oil & gas drilling and access to the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.

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