Bush Administration Duped by Iraqi Prostitute

Posted by Pile (6313 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

We all heard about Saddam's "torture and rape rooms" - they were among other things, the basis for Bush scaring the American people into going along with the war. Much of the marketing for this event had to do with the testimony of an Iraqi woman... the woman lionized as a brave survivor of Saddam Hussein's prisons has now turned out to be a homeless prostitute who successfully scammed U.S. officials into giving her a new life in the United States.


You democrats are just losers
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-27 22:20:31
Hey all you democrats and liberals are just losers you all lost the election to the Bush administration because you all suck. Now you people have nothing better to do but to just say all the bad things about our president thats a pretty crappy life you losers. So make sure you guys prepare for the next election yall are going to lose. You people are just jealous because yall are the losers on the outside looking in, so shut the hell up. Remember you guys SUCK!!!!!!!!!!
yabba dabba dooo... prostitute to you
Posted by spyder on 2005-01-28 16:23:36
this could very well be the little sister, or cousin, or neice of that lovely woman who way back in 1991 swore that she watched as Saddam's troops threw babies out of incubators in Kuwait. Turned out she was a prostitute shill too. Must run in the Bush family.
To Unknown
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-02-04 16:34:16
Hi, Republicans suck, Bush sucks, and you suck. i was watching this tv show once on adult swim and this one guy was the hostage of the bad guy. the hostage goes "Hey, how come you only try to destroy my dad, have you tried the taking over the world thing yet? Are you to afraid of the big leagues?" then the bad guy goes "Oh please gimme a break. i'll leave that to the terrorists and those damn Republicans." TV never lies. Rebublicans suck! he never really wone the election against Al Gore so he's not my president. He may have won the freakin magic # part but he still lost by popular vote and i think that this one rule in the governmanet really shows rebublicanism. Thats not even a word but you know what i mean. the word "Democratic" means "All people have equal rights" look it up in the dictionary smart one. By the way if i'm not clear yet BUSH SUCKS!!! PRESIDENT BUSH I HOPE YOUR READING THIS... GO BURN FOR ETERNITY!!!!

www.jibjab.com insults bush a little bit if you want to learn more. it also has something about arnold becoming the governer of califonia thats wicked funny!
comments deleted
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-02-05 18:40:06
I posted 2 comments in relation to this article.They only lasted a few days, then they got 'deleted' .
I guess free speech only applies to comments that favor your.. hate Bush ..hate America propaganda agenda.
by liberal losers
Posted by Bored on 2005-02-14 15:05:08
Hey butt munch, Bush is our President, just like Clinton was our President. The comments like he is not my President is rather childish, but then again, I expect nothing less from a mindless liberal.

He never really "wone" the election against Gore? First of all, learn to spell, the liberal crap you are reading is rotting your brain. Secondly, our election process of the electoral college is the way we have done it for 200+ years.

Bush "wone" you ignorant little piece of insignificant dust. And he "wone", or should I say bitch slapped Mousier Kerry in 2004.

So get over it pop a Xanax and Zoloft cocktail, load a bong, put on a good Barbara Streisand movie or Michael Moore Mockumentary, listen to a Dave Matthews or the Boss CD, and let the adults drive.

So open up and chug a big ol' hot steamy load of Compassionate Conservatism
Posted by Holla[at]urboi on 2005-02-16 08:09:32
Alright, no offense to anyone but seriously guys...you expect everyone to be perfect. If you seriously think about it being the president is diffcult. No matter what decision the president makes it's going to make some people mad. I think that the decisions that he's made are for best and he's doing all he can do.
Dear Lord STOP!
Posted by Keeny on 2005-05-18 17:30:26
I really can't stand this Democrats vs. Republicans. Bush was lied to, U.S. intelligence was way off and Bush landed in the position of acting. The war in Iraq is stupid, but ALL blame cannot go on Bush. Its the intelligence not doing its work. Do you really think the President has the time to make sure all things said to him by these governmental officials to be fact or fiction? Seriously, its act or don't for him. I personally can't stand the idiot and I think he just wanted an excuse to get into Iraq to finish what his daddy started. The real war should be in Afghanistan, that's where our attackers came from. But, hey, I'm only 17, what do I know.
Accountability is overrated
Posted by Grease on 2005-05-18 18:41:47
This whole notion of accepting responsibility for things is so passe'
ha ha
Posted by al on 2005-06-07 14:06:20
bush is gay anyway who cares
Something is Rotten in USA
Posted by Il Cane on 2005-06-17 02:34:19
This is not surprising at all. I am neither for oragainst any party but I hate this administration and is policies. Of course they would believe the stories of such a person, it is exactly what they want to hear. Howewver, there might be an even bigger problem looming on the horizon. Ever hear of the Downing Street memo? It could possibly lead to Dubya's impeachment.


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