Ohio couple pay $85 to reserve Christmas church pew

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Joe and Kathy Tricaso weren't taking any chances on not getting a seat for Mass on Christmas Eve.

The couple, who live in the Akron suburb of Green, spent $85 in a church auction last summer to reserve a pew.

"The rule is you're not allowed to save seats, and kind, loving Christians can get pretty mean-spirited if you tell them they can't sit down when they see an empty seat on a pew," Joe Tricaso said.



2 timers
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-01 17:01:04
A lot of christians get pissed when a seat is reserved and it's not for them. But they don't seem to mind if it is for them. Most of these people think that they're true christians because they go to mass at christmas and easter. So when everything doesn't go perfect they get their panties in a bundle about it. Newsflash you can't skip church or mass because you feel like it. In all the religions you have to go to some sought of ceremony to don't try to get out of it. Oh and you dont need to wear and suit to go to mass to try to compansate for a whole year.


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