Supreme Court Rules Against Separation Of Church And State

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The Supreme Court ruled Monday that ordinary taxpayers cannot challenge a White House initiative that helps religious charities get a share of federal money.

The 5-4 decision (along predictable party lines) blocks a lawsuit by a group of atheists and agnostics against eight Bush administration officials including the head of the White House Faith-Based Office.

The taxpayers' group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, objected to government conferences in which administration officials encourage religious charities to apply for federal grants.

Taxpayers in the case "set out a parade of horribles that they claim could occur" unless the court stopped the Bush administration initiative, wrote Justice Samuel Alito. "Of course, none of these things has happened."

The justices' decision revolved around a 1968 Supreme Court ruling that enabled taxpayers to challenge government programs that promote religion.

The 1968 decision involved the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which financed teaching and instructional materials in religious schools in low-income areas.

"This case falls outside" the narrow exception allowing such cases to proceed, Alito wrote.

In dissent, Justice David Souter said that the court should have allowed the taxpayer challenge to proceed.


separation of church is all wrong
Posted by keri lightfoot on 2007-09-14 11:28:41
it was never meant to protect the government from the church, but the church to be protected by the government. people who can't see past their own stupidity shouldn't be allowed any say in government affairs in the first place. our country was founded on principles set in place by GOD FEARING MEN!!! not men who can't stand the thought of there being any power greater than their small minds can handle
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-11-21 21:32:57
It goes both ways sweetie.


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