Powerful Christian Leader Claims Jews Responsible For Holocaust
Posted by Pile
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Pastor John Hagee writes in his book, "Jerusalem Countdown: A Prelude To war" that Jews brought the Holocaust upon themselves by rebelling against God and that the Holocaust was God's way of forcing Jews to move to Israel where, Hagee predicts according to his interpretation of Biblical scripture, they will be mostly killed in the apocalyptic Mideast conflict Hagee's new lobbying group seems to be working to provoke and which John Hagee believes to be a necessary precondition for the "Rapture" that will lift Christians, but not Jews, bodily into Heaven to enjoy physical immortality in paradise. |
| Over the past year, frequent and generally favorable media coverage of a new US national political lobbying group, "Christians United For Israel", and its outspoken founder Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee, has helped cement pastor Hagee's brand recognition as a steadfast friend to Israel and has cast a favorable light on the new CUFI lobby that is designed to flex the political muscles of tens of millions of American evangelicals, ostensibly on Israel's behalf.
Unfortunately, Hagee's concern for Israel seems to be limited to getting them in the proper place as per biblical prophesy so that Mr. Jesus will show up and wipe most everybody off the planet. Oh goody. And these are people in power folks!
In a January 2007 a group conference call with Jewish bloggers, John Hagee explained that he and his fellow CUFI members were working to "organize every congressional district where every church in that district that is an evangelical church can be known to us so that if at a point in time someone in Congress or the US Senate proves to be hostile to Israel that we can lend our strength to retire them from public office."
Since CUFI's founding in early 2006, John Hagee has been barnstorming the American Jewish community through feel-good events entitled "A Night To Honor Israel," which have helped win the confidence of American Jews and swelled the roles of volunteers pledged to travel to Washington DC for CUFI organized lobbying events. In apparent recognition of the new lobbying group's growing electoral power, The White House has granted CUFI considerable access and and top GOP leaders such as John McCain and House GOP Minority Whip Roy Blunt have met personally with Pastor John Hagee in recent weeks. | Details | |
Posted by bernie on 2007-08-02 04:33:05 | I linked to your article from 13 things to blame on the Jews: http://plancksconstant.org/blog1/2007/08/tt_13_things_to_blame_on_the_jews.html |