Looking To Get In Someone's Pants And Use Your PC?

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Axe, makers of that smelly alcohol-based herbicide made famous by commercials showing men being chased by throngs of women, have finally revealed the nature of their target demographic with this latest product: The upskirt mouse pad...

At last, the perfect product for those long, lonely nights at home with the computer. Now it's wearing clothes that you can (literally) skirt! It's almost exactly like being with a real woman...or so you imagine.

Because, let's face it, a real woman wouldn't get within ten yards of a guy once she gets a look at this decorative mousepad.


Posted by tdd on 2007-02-22 19:52:44
Let's face it in this day and age when Primetime live can get an endless supply of material from perverts wanting to have sex with children. I say that skirt looks way too much like a little girls skirt. What were they thinking, that's not funny or cool it's sick.
Posted by AntiAXE on 2007-02-23 11:03:25
I *hope* that the size of the skirt has more to do with the size of the mouse pad, and less to do with the size of the girl wearing it.

Still, I have a natural aversion to the AXE brand name, and everything it stands for.

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