Screw Walking On Water, Jesus Needs To FLY!

Posted by ueberbill (7163 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

This has got to be one of the greatest opportunities for anyone who ever wanted to do some good in the world. Right now there are billions (BILLIONS!) of people who have not yet heard the good news about Jesus and His message. These people are setting themselves up for a short trip to a hot, uncomfortable place (come to think of it, many of them DO live in a pretty hot place and are probably not all that comfortable what with starving and being disease-ridden and all). There is only one way to help them. We've got to get that message of love, self-sacrifice, and piety out there. But how? Travelling the world is cramped and difficult; full of crying babies, bad food, and plastic forks. A messenger of the Lord should not have to endure these depredations like some common... common... carpenter or something. WWJD? I'll tell you what J would D- he would buy Benny Hinn a JET!

But not just ANY jet, my friends in Jesus, oh no. We need to buy him a Gulfstream G4SP, a powerful (and comfortable) tool of the Lord costing upwards of $30 million and capable of seating up to 19 Christian soldiers. Brother Hinn was able to secure the first portion of the downpayment (HALLELUJAH!) through his diligent efforts but now he needs 6,000 lovers of the Lord to cough up another $1,000 each to get the rest of the down payment (that's $6 million, meaning the down payment could be as much as $12 million! Jesus said you can't take it with you- those quantities will totally help). With a range of 4,800 miles the jet, to be dubbed Dove One (God One, Jesus One, and Holy Spirit Heavy being deemed unseemly and possibly a little blasphemous), will allow Benny to travel to such God-forsaken locales as Laguna Beach (expect a cameo on the OC soon),Honolulu, Sicily, Athens, London, and Kobe. Brothers and sisters, you must do whatever you can to help this messenger of God wing his way around the world at mach 0.75. Please do what you can.

And to learn even more about this selfless crusader for Christ, check out this video:

Letter from Brother Benny

PDF Brochure Describing This Exciting Evangelical Opportunity
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/11/30 19:48
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/11/30 19:53




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