Santorum Loses Senate; Men Free To Marry Dogs Now!

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Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has lost his job to his Democratic challenger. Santorum has been an outspoken anti-gay, anti-choice activist in Congress. Santorum was the senator who claimed if we legalize gay marriage, there would be nothing to stop men from marrying dogs, too. Our society should undoubtedly brace itself for this upcoming spate of people-to-pet marriages in the absence of the moral direction of the former Republican senator.

Here's a nice tidbit on the defeated Senator and his family:
Santorum and his wife, Karen Garver Santorum, have six children: Elizabeth Anne (born 1991); Richard John ("Johnny"), Jr. (born 1993); Daniel James (born 1995); Sarah Maria (born 1998); Peter Kenneth (born 1999); and Patrick Francis (born 2001). In 1996, their son Gabriel Michael was born prematurely and lived for only two hours (a sonogram taken before Gabriel was born revealed that his posterior urethral valve was closed and that the prognosis for his survival was therefore poor). Karen Santorum wrote a book about the experience: Letters to Gabriel: The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum. In it, she writes that the couple brought the deceased infant home from the hospital and introduced the dead child to their living children as "your brother Gabriel" and slept with the body overnight before returning him to the hospital. The anecdote was also written about by Michael Sokolove in a 2005 New York Times magazine story on Santorum. Karen is also the author of a book on etiquette for children.
Let's all weep a litle bit for the moral republicans who have lost the Senate. Maybe some day they can lecture us again about the evils of man-dog relations and the goodness of sleeping with infant corpses.

Sen. Rick Santorum, a strong voice for conservatives who rose to be the No. 3 Senate Republican, was routed Tuesday by Bob Casey, the anti-abortion, anti-gun control son of a popular Pennsylvania governor.

Santorum, 48, had long defied those who said he was too conservative for the Democratic-leaning state. But the two-term senator and was unable to overtake Casey, the 46-year-old state treasurer, who accused Santorum of "pursuing a rigid ideology that put him out of step with most Pennsylvanian debates on issues," Casey said, his wife and four daughters at his side.

Santorum said Casey is "a fine man and I know he'll do a fine job for Pennsylvania."

In Pennsylvania's race for governor, Democrat Ed Rendell, 62, captured a second term, his fundraising prowess proving too much for Republican challenger Lynn Swann, the former Steelers star.

Swann, 48, a Pro Football Hall of Famer and political novice who wanted to be Pennsylvania's first black governor, was a hit with sports fans but his tax-cutting message failed to catch on with voters.

Casey, a former two-term state auditor and the son of the late Gov. Robert P. Casey, became the first Democrat from Pennsylvania elected to a full term in the U.S. Senate since 1962.

Casey was defeated by Rendell in the 2002 gubernatorial primary and national Democratic leaders recruited him as a Senate candidate, hoping his opposition to abortion and gun control would cut into Santorum's conservative base. He sought to keep focus on Santorum's record of support for President Bush.

Santorum, a leading voice against abortion and same sex-marriage, tried to create some distance from Bush, highlighting differences on issues such as immigration. But he otherwise stood firmly by the president, stating during a debate on NBC's Meet the Press: "I think he's been a terrific president. Absolutely."

Throughout the campaign, Democrats attacked Santorum for statements in his 2005 book It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Book, a political counterpoint to a book by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Some of his comments were seen as critical of families where both parents work outside the home.

Santorum also had to deal with fallout over his use of Pennsylvania tax dollars to help pay for his children's cyberschool education while living in a Virginia suburb.


First democrat since 1962...
Posted by emuking on 2006-11-09 01:36:38
Makes sense, no one wants a prejuduce bastard running the show. Not in my home state.
Posted by Joe Bleaux on 2006-11-13 09:22:10
That a guy going by the name of pile would slam somone against gay marriage. Look, slamming this guy for what he did in a moment of unbelievable sorrow is almost as bad as his stance on gay marriage. Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for gay marriage. Why should heterosexual couples be the only ones to suffer the misery of marriage. I just think they should call it something other than a marriage though but accord it the same legal rights as marriage.
It is What it is!
Posted by Truth B. Told on 2009-04-29 02:25:05
Joe Bleaux wrote: "I'm all for gay marriage... I just think they should call it something other than a marriage though but accord it the same legal rights as marriage."


Yep, and let's call interracial marriage by another name too, such as interracial civil unions, so as not to upset the race purists. Get over it John, it is what it is. We don't need any more sorry ass excuses to bring back segregation.
Sorry Truth B. Told
Posted by Marty on 2012-01-12 05:53:15
Sorry Truth B. Told, interracial marriage and the purported 'homosexual marriage', cannot be compared along the same lines..... Afterall, creation divided man and woman - though humans made the divide between the races.

Don't try to compete with creation, you'll be fighting a losing game afterall!

I hope you get the point sooner than its too late (aka point-of-no-return).
Posted by Rocky Scott on 2012-02-27 16:19:10
Rick Santorum is a complete moron. Next he will say it is ok for people to marry animals. On top oof that he cut down JFK well to that I will state that during the time of JFK asin the time of Bill Clinton at least people had jobs, and starting with George Bush SR and through the time of George Bush Jr every repub. that has held office have costs us jobs and run the country into debt due to this. Because republicans in politics only think of themselves and their back pocket, look at the fall of Rome it was caused due to this kind of thought.
Posted by shirley on 2012-03-01 14:56:54
I think it is so sad that he would expect people making the minimum wage to pay for his children to go to school while voting against raising of the minimum wage. with two in a family working they
couldnt afford to buy milk for their whole family That is not being a very good christian.
Dead Corpse @ Hm. Overnite!!!
Posted by Lou Stan on 2018-10-09 07:25:43
It has been custom [worldwide] having our love ones corpses at home, as a memorial or at a Funeral Home[too expensive] even, within a week, to give time to all the love ones [some they travel long distance] so they can come visit [gathering] to give their respects and for the final farewell. This kind of event will go around the clock [while corpse is in the place] as a time of mourning, watch and pray, gathering within family and friends.


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