What's Russian for 'Xenophobia'?

Posted by ueberbill (6044 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

President Putin has fanned the flames of ethnic tension in Russia by casting aspersions on Caucasians (people of darker skin from the former Soviet Caucasus region), Central Asians, and ethnic Georgians and declaring that their should be tighter restrictions on the actions and freedoms of those who aren't ethnic Russians. Authorities have even gone so far as to gather lists of schoolchildren with Georgian-sounding names.

Mr. Putin's statements echo those of the head of the "unabashedly racist" Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI), Alexander Belov, who has been inciting the growing swell of xenophobia in Russia. Months of upheaval all over the country punctuated with days of rioting have led to fear of persecution by non-ethnic Russians (most are Russian citizens) and of more rioting. Many Caucasians are fleeing and even ethnic Russians are afraid to send their children out to school. Some see in all of this the hand of the Kremlin trying to direct people's resentment at ethnic minorities and away from the government. Even high-profile Russians with Georgian backgrounds find themselves the victims of government audits and other forms of official harassment. "It is no longer safe to be a dark-haired person in Russia," says the detective novelist Grigory Chkhartishvili, or as you might know him from his nomme de plume, Boris Akunin.

Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/10 15:19
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/10 15:19




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