White House Caught Censoring Weather Experts

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In February, there were several press reports about the Bush administration exercising message control on the subject of climate change. The New Republic cited numerous instances in which top officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and scientists at the National Hurricane Center sought to downplay links between more-intense hurricanes and global warming. NOAA scientist Thomas Knutson told the Wall Street Journal he'd been barred from speaking to CNBC because his research suggested just such a link.

At the time, Bush administration officials denied that they did any micromanaging of media requests for interviews. But a large batch of e-mails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request shows that the White House was, in fact, controlling access to scientists and vetting reporters.

Check 'em out.

How obsessive was the administration in making sure no "experts" correlated any relationship between the recent hurricanes and global warming? Well, they refused to allow one expert testify who had the audacity to suggest that in a worst-case-scenario, 100 years from now there could be more intense hurricanes as a result of global warming!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 -- Rep. Waxman requests Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez explain emails that appear to show that his office denied a media request to interview a NOAA scientist who had concluded that global warming may lead to more dangerous hurricanes.

Letter to Secretary Gutierrez
NOAA Media Tracking
Commerce Department E-mails

Reports on Expert Censorship


Posted by Kuzotz on 2006-09-25 22:51:20
No surprise here. Thats why all of the REpublican and bush supporters make some bullshit up to try and say global warming doesn't exist.


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