Public Expression of Religion Act = Gov. Mandated Religion

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There is a very scary series of bills moving through both houses of Congress right now, and it's under the radar of the mainstream media (as usual). These bills are designed to keep people from taking legal action against the government in areas relating to the separation of church and state. As is typical, the name of the bill, "Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005" is totally bogus. The bill claims to give people the "freedom" to express religious views without fear of legal intimidation. What this translates to is special protection from repurcussions of extending religious influence and promotion in areas where it is illegal and unconstitutional!

Please take a closer look at this very, VERY dangerous legislation.

Update: This bill is now being called, "The Christian Supremacy Act" by people in politics.

Don’t undercut our legal system!
Protect Religious Liberty and Oppose S. 3696 and H.R. 2679

The Public Expression of Religion Act (H.R. 2679, S. 3696) are extreme and unwise proposals that will keep Americans from turning to the federal courts to protect their fundamental constitutional rights to worship freely and to make decisions about religion for themselves and their families, without interference or coercion from the government. If enacted, Congress would, for the first time, single out one area of constitutional law, the Establishment Clause, under the Bill of Rights and prevent its full enforcement.

Enforcement of the First Amendment is essential for the defense of religious freedom. The protections of the First Amendment, however, do not enforce themselves. If someone is forced to sue the government to protect their constitutional rights, it is fundamentally fair and just for that person to recover legal fees.

Governmental entities must uphold constitutional values, not be encouraged to ignore them. However, passage of H.R. 2679 or S. 3696 would encourage elected officials to violate the Establishment Clause whenever they find it politically advantageous to do so without fear of repercussion. By limiting the remedies for a successful plaintiff, this measure would remove the threat that exists to ensure compliance with the Establishment Clause.

These bills would have a substantial effect on the ability of Americans who have suffered violations of their right to religious freedom to turn to the course because they will be unable to afford a lawyer to represent them. Victims of Establishment Clause violations would find it difficult even to obtain representation from lawyers who might otherwise be willing to represent them pro bono because those lawyers would no longer be able to recoup their actual, out-of-pocket expenses — which can often total tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sign the petition against The Public Expression of Religion Act

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