Hollywood Is Calling!

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[Lonely People]
Your Favorite D-List Celebrity Is Just A Phone Call Away!

So your friend's birthday is coming up. What could be a greater gift than to pay to have Horshack from "Welcome Back Kotter", the lead singer from the Knack, the guy who wrote "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer", some burned out twenty-something from MTV's Real World, the Incredible Hulk's Lou Ferrigno, or Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre give your friend a personal phone call!

I always wondered what Mr. Belding from "Saved By The Bell" was up to..

"Now for the first time ever you can have a real celebrity make a live phone call to someone you know for just $19.95. You can also purchase an email video greeting card with a message from your favorite star for just $5. Whether it's for a special occasion or just for the fun of it, there's no better way to impress a client, sweetheart or a friend."



Posted by wizeGurl on 2006-03-21 19:16:48
Truly, there couldn't possibly be a better way to impress a client than spending $300 on a "phone appearance" from the Professor from Gilligan's Island.
Thanks, but no...
Posted by Ungrateful dude on 2007-04-19 22:26:39
Oh wonderful!

As if lottery tickets weren't bad enough for a birthday gift, now I can look forward to receiving a phonecall from one of the former cast members of 80's TV show, "Head of the Class".

Hope it's not that fat guy.

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