Guinea Pig Kids

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Which is more awful...that foster children in NYC are being used as guinea pigs for experimental AIDS drugs with horrible side-effects, or that the only one looking at the story is the BBC?

New York's HIV experiment

"Jacklyn Hoerger's job was to treat children with HIV at a New York children's home.

But nobody had told her that the drugs she was administering were experimental and highly toxic.

"We were told that if they were vomiting, if they lost their ability to walk, if they were having diarrhoea, if they were dying, then all of this was because of their HIV infection."

In fact it was the drugs that were making the children ill and the children had been enrolled on the secret trials without their relatives' or guardians' knowledge.

As Jacklyn would later discover, those who tried to take the children off the drugs risked losing them...."




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