Why Should You Wear A Mask In Public?
Posted by Pile
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Welcome to the next installment of "Logical Arguments For Sociopaths". Some helpful tips for explaining to un-empathetic people, why doing something for the good of the community, might be something they should consider. |
| So, according to you, there's some "controversy" over whether or not people should wear masks in public? You don't see a good enough reason to follow along with all the other "sheeple" eh?
You think this whole mess is not any worse than the flu and nobody's running around with masks during flu season, so why bother? Ok, we're not going to confuse you with facts and scientific references suggesting you know nothing about these issues, that'll just make you angry and even more defiant. We're not going to explain the reasoning behind how masks protect other people, because, well, caring about other people requires more empathy than sociopaths typically have, so what other arguments are there for wearing masks in public? How does it serve YOUR interests?
1. You're not being a "maverick" not wearing a mask in public. You basically come off as a douche.
Deciding you're not going to follow what's in the best interests of the community, might have been cool when you were 21 and had your first car and did burnouts at every stop light, but at your age now, it reflects poorly on what little wisdom and judgement you might actually want to portray.
2. If you don't wear a mask, it will be hard to execute your constant need to be indignant, preachy, judgemental and self-righteous.
You know how much you like to look down upon others. You can much more easily do this wearing a mask. Think of all the more caustic passive aggressive things you can whisper in the company of others without people seeing it came from you? That'll certainly give you some excitement, and just imagine the potential thrills you may get if you encounter in the checkout line, a minority not wearing a mask! You might even be able to organize some sort of passive-aggressive lynch mob of nasty looks among other mask-wearing brethren in line.
3, Never mind those pesky facts and research that suggests you're up to 70% more likely to contract the virus not wearing a mask, remember that according to your news source, every time a conservative dies, Obama and Hillary are at the border, allowing a Mexican rapist to enter and take their place. Do you want to risk contributing to "the great replacement" by reducing the life expectancy of those in your tribe? |
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