Anthrax Hoax Mailer Caught: Suprise, He's a Freeper

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FBI agents have arrested a man accused of sending over a dozen envelopes filled with white powder and threatening letters to public figures including MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann, David Letterman, Jon Stewart, Speaker-in-Waiting Nancy Pelosi, and Democratic Senator Charles Schumer.

Shockingly, the suspect is a 39-year-old white man who lives with his parents, spends a lot of time on the right-wing site Free Republic, and thinks Ann Coulter is a "goddess." FBI agents trailed him to a mailbox and watched him post a powder-filled envelope, catching him in the act and charging him with the felony of sending threats by U.S. Mail.

Olbermann commented on the arrest, of course, and we have the video....





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