Isaac Hayes Quits Southpark Citing "Religious Intolerance"

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After seeing this season's premier Southpark episode, where the Chef character, previously played by Isaac Hayes appears to be composed of edited disembodied versions of his previous voiceovers, the show's creators have made a powerful statement over Hayes' departure.

It appears, it's ok to make fun of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Abortion, Hippies, Barbara Striesand, Gays, Handicapped People, Politicians, Mormons and Minorities, but if you start talking bad about Tom Cruise and Scientology, that's crunk. So Isaac Hayes quit Southpark citing "religious intolerance", presumably over the parodying of his cult, Scientology. The result? Chef turns into a pedophile and is eaten by wild animals.

To add more fuel to the fire, the Washington Post said fans have started a campaign urging people to write, phone or e-mail Viacom threatening to boycott "Mission Impossible 3" -- unless Comedy Central reruns the episode spoofing Scientology that caused Isaac Hayes to quit. Does anyone need a reason to not see Mission Impossible 3 in the first place?

At the end of the show, Kyle said they shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving, they should be "mad at that fruity little club [Scientology] for scrambling his brains."

Our take is only fruity little people are members of fruity little clubs.

"This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology," South Park co-creator Matt Stone said. "He has no problem -- and he's cashed plenty of checks -- with our show making fun of Christians."

Veteran soul singer Isaac Hayes, voice of the libidinous character "Chef" on the satiric cable TV cartoon "South Park," said on Monday he was quitting the show, citing its "inappropriate ridicule" of religion.

"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs ... begins," Hayes said in a statement.

Hayes, 63, a devoted follower of the Church of Scientology, did not mention a "South Park" episode that aired last fall poking fun at Scientology and some of its celebrity adherents, including actor Tom Cruise.



buy my dvd!
Posted by manufacturedcontroversy on 2006-03-25 19:45:43
This is nothing more than advertising for the new season, which coincidentally comes out soon. This week, I think.

Gee, why hasn't Isaac been interviewed on the news? oh, he had a stroke and has been hospitalized. But that hasn't stopped Matt and Trey from appearing anywhere and everywhere that will give them air. They are just f*cking sell-outs now. The show isn't even funny any more, but what are you going to do? Ya gotta keep those DVDs selling...

You'd have to be a complete f*cking idiot to think this is about making fun of scientology. It's viral marketing...
Posted by Stan A on 2006-03-26 15:49:29
Newsflash: Matt and Trey have been total attention whores since day one. They may not be wise men, but it's refreshing to see such infantile, politically-incorrect behavior get a venue in pseudo mainstream media. I'm not big fan of the show, but I think it's apropos what they did to Hayes for his hypocrisy.

By the way, I'm sure Scientology doesn't want this kind of publicity. Brand recognition at the sake of their credibility isn't all that good a trade-off.


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