Upcoming New Orleans Election Already Causing Problems

Posted by Clare (8446 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

"I just read in this morning newspaper that the NAACP will challenge the election if they are not satisfied with the results.

So, basically they are saying that if black candidates win the election it was fair; however, if white candidates win the election it was biased. What a load of BS. It is more of that welfare mentality that was clearly governing the statement of the NAACP leader when he said it was not the responsibility of the voter to educate themselves on the candidates and the issues."

From TLCLAW Times-Picayune 3/15/06


More Details
Posted by wizeGurl on 2006-03-15 17:32:46
An editorial in the Times Picayune has a few more details, and a few more specific complaints.


Almost any group can contest an election for almost any reason. At that point, the courts decide if the election requires further investigation.

There may be good reason to question the election results if temporarily displaced residents (of any color) are unable to vote. The editorial writer is right, though: these groups should be more clear about what election conditions they consider fair BEFORE the election. Otherwise people will make the assumption that they're just not happy with the results.


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