PATH: BS | Science | Environment

The Consequence of Global Climate Change

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Youtube user "potholer54" is gaining quite a reputation for his instructive and well-referenced videos debunking myths and showing the truth behind various social, cultural and scientific issues. In his latest post, he tackles pragmatic issues regarding global climate change, and looks deep into the skeptics and the resources they use to see who's really telling the truth...

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Celebrities Misled By 'Restore The Gulf' Campaign

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Not long ago, many celebrities got together to make a PSA for the "Be The One" campaign, urging people to sign a petition to save the Gulf of Mexico on the website (very similar to the government's website at, which might have caused confusion). This all seems good, until you look at the fine print and dig below the surface... Which is what DeSmogBlog did. It turns out that the campaign's sponsors are "America's WETLAND Foundation", a front group for oil companies (Shell, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, etc), and "Women of the Storm", a Louisiana group with strong ties to America's WETLAND (the founder of the former is married to the chairman of the latter).

The end result seems to be a carefully-orchestrated snowjob by the oil and gas industry to try and get taxpayers to fund the cleanup of their own messes...

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Fish You Should Not Eat

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Did you know that the "catfish" on that plate you're eating is not legally defined as a "catfish" by the US Federal government and is therefor exempt from certain regulations restricting the use of drugs and antibiotics?

But that may be just the tip of the fin...

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Tilapia: True "Chicken Of The Sea"

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Americans ate 475 million pounds of tilapia last year, four times the amount a decade ago, making this once obscure African native the most popular farmed fish in the United States. Unfortunately, it's not like other fish, nor does it offer the same health benefits commonly associated with eating fish...

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The Last Mountain

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It's easy to forget that each time we turn on a light, we are contributing to the ecological damage caused by the coal that generates electricity in this country. The Last Mountain gives us plenty of reasons to remember.

Watch an incredible journey these filmmakers take in chronicling a small community's attempt to fight for their lives and the lives of half of America who is downstream.

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Just How Bad Is The Deepwater Horizon Disaster?

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It goes without saying that most people no longer believe what British Petroleum is saying publicly about the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf and the condition of the well structure. The reality is much more frightening... In a few crevices in Cyberspace, experts in the industry are whispering what they think is really going on...

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Top 10 Crazy Facts About The BP Gulf Oil Disaster

Posted by Pile (17796 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

It's been more than seven weeks since BP's offshore oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then, crude oil has been hemorrhaging into ocean waters and wreaking unknown havoc on our ecosystem -- unknown because there is no accurate estimate of how many barrels of oil are contaminating the Gulf.

Though BP officially admits to only a few thousand barrels spilled each day, expert estimates peg the damage at 60,000 barrels or over 2.5 million gallons daily. (Perhaps we'd know more if BP hadn't barred independent engineers from inspecting the breach.) Measures to quell the gusher have proved lackluster at best, and unlike the country's last big oil spill -- Exxon-Valdez in 1989 -- the oil is coming from the ground, not a tanker, so we have no idea how much more oil could continue to pollute the Gulf's waters.

The Deepwater Horizon disaster reminds us what can happen -- and will continue to happen -- when corporate malfeasance and neglect meet governmental regulatory failure.

The corporate media is tracking the disaster with front-page articles and nightly news headlines every day (if it bleeds, or spills, it leads!), but the under-reported aspects to this nightmarish tale paint the most chilling picture of the actors and actions behind the catastrophe. In no particular order, here are 10 things about the BP spill you may not know and may not want to know -- but you should.

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Oil Permeates Louisiana Coast - "Who's In Charge?"

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A first-hand account of heading along the Louisiana coast and examining the effect of the BP Horizon oil spill.

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BP Oil Spill Destroying Coastlands; Action Not Happening

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Plaquemines parish president, Billy Nungesser makes a plea to the government to take over the project and stop British Petroleum's control over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as he watches the coastal marshes become irrevocably destroyed by the oil slick...

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Note To Fox: Corellation Does Not Equal Causation

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Right now large areas of the United States are blanketed by a snowstorm, and as predictable as the eventual accumulation of flies on a turd, the conservatives have come out of the woodwork to champion these atypical weather events as "proof" that there is no global warming. Rachael Maddow and Bill Nye respond to the current trend using some amusing analogies...

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