Are Doritos One of the World's Healthiest Foods?

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[The "Buzz"]
Answer: No. Did you really think so? Check this out for detailed information on which foods are considered the most healthy.


* Asparagus
* Avocado
* Bell peppers
* Broccoli
* Brussels sprouts
* Cabbage
* Cauliflower
* Celery
* Collard greens
* Cucumber
* Eggplant
* Fennel bulb
* Garlic
* Green beans
* Green peas
* Kale
* Leeks
* Mushrooms, Crimini
* Mushrooms, Shiitake
* Mustard greens
* Olives
* Onions
* Parsley
* Romaine lettuce
* Sea vegetables
* Spinach
* Squash, summer
* Squash, winter
* Swiss chard
* Tomato, fresh
* Turnip Greens


* Apple
* Apricot
* Banana
* Blueberries
* Cantaloupe
* Cranberries
* Fig
* Grapefruit
* Grapes
* Kiwi fruit
* Lemon and Limes
* Orange
* Papaya
* Pear, Bartlett
* Pineapple
* Plum
* Prune
* Raisins
* Raspberries
* Strawberries
* Watermelon

Fish & Seafood

* Cod
* Halibut
* Salmon
* Scallops
* Shrimp
* Snapper
* Tuna, yellowfin

Spices & Herbs

* Basil
* Black pepper
* Cayenne pepper
* Chili Pepper, Red, dried
* Cinnamon, ground
* Cloves
* Coriander seeds
* Cumin seeds
* Dill weed, dried
* Ginger
* Mustard seeds
* Oregano
* Peppermint leaves, fresh
* Rosemary
* Sage
* Thyme, ground
* Turmeric, ground


Details with nutrition on each food


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