Fox news spins "anti-god" agenda of Maryland schools

Posted by RantMaster (5930 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
Fox News is as usual, inciting a wave of ignorance in publishing a story entitled, "Students free to thank anybody but God".

Nevermind that in Fox's version of the story the Pilgrims all gave thanks to "god" but conveniently left out that the pilgrims didn't believe in crosses (as a form of idolatry), mass, marriage as a religious sacrement, and a large amount of many churchs' sacret rituals.


Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-05 13:33:08
Are you serious? "Conveniently left out"? The issue isn't what religion the Pilgrims were, it's the fact that they were extremely religious and the whole basis for the Thanksgiving holiday is to give thanks to God. That's why the pilgrims did it and it's why George Washington proclaimed it a national holiday in 1789. It's also why the history of the holiday shouldn't be covered up or glossed over because of the fear of offending those of other faiths or no faith at all.
Posted by Pile on 2004-12-06 14:15:16
I think the media is blowing the anti-god thing out of proportion. Leave it to Fox to make a bigger deal out of it than necessary. They can still talk about the Pilgrims' desire to travel to a new world where they could practice their faith... that doesn't violate the ideal of the separation of church and state. The point is using public schools to push a specific type of religion.

Imagine if some public schools wanted to open with a Muslim prayer? I bet the same people who are pro-Christian in public schools would freak out at that notion. The idea behind separation of church and state is for the purpose of protecting ones freedom to worship and not having your money pay for the promotion of a religion in which you don't have faith. It goes both ways, but the right wing media only shows one, narrow way.

Furthermore, if you examine the history of the Pilgrims, they would likely be completely against their celebration and exploitation in this manner in the first place. So we don't really have institutions lauding the Pilgrims and their convictions; we have a bunch of opportunist whores exploiting a religious group for their own, different agenda.
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-11-28 09:41:23
To the first post: actually they were celebrating the murder of a bunch of native americans, not thanking god.


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