Mainstream media attacks its critics; buries head in sand again

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[News Media]
You might think that the major media that got suckered by George W. Bush’s Iraqi weapons-of-mass-destruction claims just last year would show some humility about its own fallibility.

But, no, the elite U.S. news media is now criticizing common citizens who have raised questions about voter fraud in the Nov. 2 election. The New York Times has joined the Washington Post and other major news outlets in scouring the Internet to find and discredit Americans who have expressed suspicions that Bush’s victory might not have been entirely legitimate.

Follow along as the Consortium News tells the story of the love affair with the administration and their sordid path of questionable news "coverage" on critical issues.



Put down the crack pipe
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-16 10:12:26
Love affair with the Bush Administration? Pleaz, Tom Brokenjaw, Dan Blather, Peter Jennings, Katie Commie, and the rest of the 'mainstream' media are so far up the ass of the DNC, they can't tell if it is day or night.

Sordid path of questionable news coverage? Oh, you mean like CBS spending 5 years investigating Bush's Nantional Guard record and all they can produce and show for that 5 year effort is forged documents? Or better yet, the NYT, and CBS releasing a hit piece on supposed missing ammunition in Al Caqqa just days before the election? Or the eerie silence in response to the Swift Boat Veterans. Or the NYT having 39 days of op-eds being put on the front page demonizing the Bush Admin for the Iraqi prison scandal?

The media did everything it could to circumvent the election process.....and failed. Bush won a mandate, and you leftists are in denial. Liberalism is going to be thrown on the trash heap of history. How does it feel to have power slip thru your hands, and not being able to do anything about it?

Have a great day,

Signed, Patriot Man
Patriot Man lives in Orwellian Bushworld
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-16 20:32:44
Where he can talk hypocrit tough here and never step foot on a battlefield.

Where, if the Kool-Aid 12-steppers don't like reality, they just change it. Fact, facts? Patriot Man dunneed no stinkin' facts. He'll just change reality while we're chasing facts, like, who did the majority in Ohio really vote for? Will Blackwell, who doubles as Bush Ohio campaign manager (fact), come out from behind the secret curtain with the truthful totals from the yet uncounted ballots that he daily tries to discard?

Better to just blame the victim who won't see the fake reality Patriot Man wants to create with faux histories like this, following Goering's advice to just call doubters unpatriotic, where anyone perceived to be the "leader" can sucker any masses into following to hell, if the "leader" chooses.

Why are you here, Patriot Man, and not fighting for your leader's righteous fight to slaughter as many brown-skinned people as he can get stupid folk like you to sell their souls to the devil for? You don't seem too patriotic, there, fella.

BSalert is perfectly on target about major media. BSalert sees the real world through real specs.

Signed, a major-media reporter seething about the voter fraud blackout
Don't you know...
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 11:11:10
crack is wack my brotha. Right, I know it was the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that stole the election, Bush is a modern day Hitler, we went to war for oil, blah, blah, blah. I love how you try to make excuse for being bitch slapped in the elections like the 'ho that you are.

Last time I checked we both have the right to disagree and express our feelings. You are nothing more then a pathetic little liberal who hates anyone w/ a passion who doesn't follow your ideology. You liberals yammer on ceaselessly about "tolerance" and "diversity" but don't seem inclined to extend those concepts to many of your fellow citizens, whom you portray as religious bigots, racist rednecks, and generally stupid people.

Why am I here and not fighting you ask? Because they would not allow me to enlist, because I am too old...41 to be exact. I will say this though, both my grandfathers fought in WW2. One left his leg on the battlefield, the other left his idiots like you can piss on this country.

I find your referring this war as our "leader's righteous fight to slaughter as many brown-skinned people...." to be insulting to the troops who have been fighting this just war. I have good friend who is a Capt in the National Guard, who spent 1 year in Iraq leading a Combat Truck Company protecting convoys. You have absolutely no clue what we are doing over there. You are a complete and utter jack ass. It is quite fitting that your political mascot is a donkey. I have a good mind to throw you over my strong muscled legs and give you a good spanking...and believe me I could.

Hey, you don't like what this country has become? You are seething tough guy? Well exercise your rights now, before we become a police state, and us Brown shirts either run you out or arrest you, and get the f&*% out. Last time I checked Delta has many non-stop flights to Canada.

Enjoy four more years of the "dim-witted corporate lackey who went to war to line the pockets of his buddies at Halliburton". I know I am loving watching you and the rest of the leftists self destruct and foam at the mouth.

Stupid, moi? I can kick your ass in a debate or physically any day of the week. So go back to being a "major media reporter", your intellect is quite suitted for this role in the old media.


Patriot Man
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 15:05:27
At 41, you can still serve your country. Don't make excuses. Do you have any children? Are they serving? Or have they rebelled against your facist, ignorant perspective and become lesbians like those many other right-wingers who rail about morality and the family while they can't hold together their own?

Wave all the flags you want. Call people "liberals" and discount them. Further spew the dubious smokescreen of the "liberal media". It still doesn't change reality.

I don't blame you. You're just an idiot who has been sedated by mass media, pro wrestling and prescription medication. You're only hurting yourself and your family by venting so much hostility towards those who, unlike you, want to make the world a better place for all, not just brain dead rednecks who enjoy the fruits of us "liberals" who create the technology and infrastructure that allows you to sit on your fat lazy ass and complain.
Hey Major Media Boy
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 16:17:40
I really am enjoying this. Nothing gives me greater pleasure then to see a tofu eating, limp wristed leftist come unglued. You should really consider therapy. You can get good meds for your Post Election Selection Syndrom

Bro, I use to be one of you, but saw the light and went right. As a matter of fact I voted for Clinton in 96, but his actions and the DNC's reactions to his actions pushed me away in utter disgust.

I do have child, five year old daughter, and a soon to be baby boy, due Nov. 29th. I do not think they are gay, but if they end up that way, I will love them no less. Facist and ignorant perspective? Why because I believe in tradional family values? I'll take me vaule system over your warped definition any day of the week.

I am not hostile, and I do want the world to be a better place. I have just grown tired off the unrealistic world view and venomus attacks coming from the left. I have decided to fight back and speak my mind.

For the record, I am college educated, a Partner w/ a retained executive search firm, hiring executives for some of the leading companies who create technology and infrastructure. I have a wine cellar, hate wrestling and country music and don't consume legal drugs. However, I have been known to enjoy a good doobie from time to time.

Fat and lazy? Hardly, I am 6'3", 205 pounds and can still, at 41 years old, do a 180 dunk, and still dominate when I play hoops on inner city courts. Courts located in ghettos where you would never have the guts to show your white lily ass. In my youth I was a model, and my wife used to model in Paris. She has a Masters degree, had a successful career in advertising, but gave it all up to take the most rewarding job in the world...FULL-TIME STAY AT HOME MOM. We are an All-American Family, smart, witty, good looking, and humbly modest.

I would venture to say, that if we had a physical altercation, there would be chunks of you in my stool the next day Mr. Major Media Reporter boy.

Just relax, sit back and have a Prozac/Xanax cocktail and let the adults drive.
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-18 15:39:49
Nationalists will swallow anything that seems positive about America and reject everything negative. You're not doing America any favors.

Assertion: America is the world's peacekeeper.

Reality: America has not been attacked by any country since WW2, but has attacked the following countries:

> China 1945-46
> Korea 1950-53
> China 1950-53
> Guatemala 1954
> Indonesia 1958
> Cuba 1959-60
> Guatemala 1960
> Congo 1964
> Peru 1965
> Laos 1964-73
> Vietnam 1961-73
> Cambodia 1969-70
> Guatemala 1967-69
> Grenada 1983
> Libya 1986
> El Salvador 1980s
> Nicaragua 1980s
> Panama 1989
> Iraq 1991-99
> Sudan 1998
> Afghanistan 1998
> Yugoslavia 1999
> Afghanistan 2002
> Iraq 2003

Assertion: America is bringing Democracy to the world.

Reality: America has supported the following ruthless dictators, many of whom were far worse than Saddam Hussein:

The Shah of Iran,
Saddam Hussein (Yes the US supported him in the past), Noriega in Panama,
Marcos in the Philippines,
Batista in Cuba,
Diem in Vietnam,
the Samozas in Nicaragua,
Mohamed Suharto in Indonesia,
Duvalier in Haiti,
Savimbi in Angola,
Suharto in East Timor,
Sani Abacha,
a whole line of butchers in Guatemala,
South African apartheid leaders,
and others--this is only a partial list.

Yet, the idiot nationalists overlook all that and swallow the hype slopped to you by the politicians as though every word was God's own.

Is America great? YES, when it does great things. Americans are the most generous people on earth and America saves a lot of lives through economic and medical aid. But our politicians aren't all pure and incorruptible; they have their power games just like anywhere else.

To love America is one thing, to have blind faith in our politicians is quite another. Only by acknowledging America's mistakes can we keep her strong.


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