Bush supporters believe the fantasy

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A new report titled "The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters" from PIPA, the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, suggests that Bush supporters really have serious misconceptions about what's going on in the world. They truly believe that other countries mostly support the U.S. in Iraq, that WMDs were found, that Iraq supported Al Qaeda and participated in 9/11...all sorts of things that have been proven factually wrong time after time.

This really explains a lot, doesn't it? If you believe that everything the Bush administration has ever said is true, despite the facts, then they probably look pretty damned good.

The question is, how can anyone still believe these things that even the administration admits aren't true? Could it be because they only admit this when pressed, and the rest of the time continue to imply the same falsehoods to their supporters?

If you find the report itself a bit dry, try this summary on Salon. You will have to watch a brief ad if you're not a member.




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