Best Way To Avoid Lost Luggage: Pack A Gun

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Are you worried about people rummaging through your checked bags on airline flights and lost luggage? Well, there's now an easy solution. It may seem crazy, but TSA rules state that if you declare a weapon in your luggage, additional tracking and safety protocols, including locking your bags go into effect.

A "weapon" is defined as a rifle, shotgun, pistol, airgun, and starter pistol. Yes, starter pistols - those little guns that fire blanks at track and swim meets - are considered weapons...and do NOT have to be registered in any state in the United States.

Bruce Schneier says, "I have a starter pistol for all my cases. All I have to do upon check-in is tell the airline ticket agent that I have a weapon to declare...I'm given a little card to sign, the card is put in the case, the case is given to a TSA official who takes my key and locks the case, and gives my key back to me.

That's the procedure. The case is extra-tracked...TSA does not want to lose a weapons case. This reduces the chance of the case being lost to virtually zero."



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