The future doesn't vote

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Writer Lawrence Lessig has an interesting piece on Wired where he claims, Our Kids Are In Big Trouble, an editorial on the governments' leveraging of the future using technology.


It's so true
Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-10-15 14:04:15
That author is 100% right. True, it is something we've always done, but in the past we usually didn't see it coming. Now we can see it coming, we can see the huge debts we're racking up for our kids, we can see how our global warming will devastate their earth, we can see how our botched "war on terror" only fuels the hatred of our enemies, and yet we continue to do it anyway. You thought it was bad to rely on middle-class and poor Americans to subsidize tax cuts for the wealthy? This is a thousand times worse. And to some extent, both parties do it--although one has of late gone overboard with it.

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