Texas Mayor Loves His Job, Touching Little Girls

Posted by ueberbill (10598 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The mayor of Poteet, Texas (population 3,305), is in a bit of a pickle. Mayor Lino Donato pled guilty on October 31st to indecent conduct toward two girls. Apparently, he was accused of exposing himself to two girls between 1996 and 2000 and improperly touching one of them, but that's not his biggest problem.

The big problem is that because of his new status as a registered sex offender (a label he probably won't be including in next cycle's campaign literature), he can't go within 1,000 feet of places kids congregate. It just so happens that kids congregate at the Atascosa Boxing Club and Youth Center, which is less than 1,000 feet from Mayor Lino's place of business--City Hall. So the mayor of Poteet, the man tasked with leading city council meetings and generally running things from City Hall, can't actually GO to City Hall without being arrested. His term doesn't expire until 2009, and because he wasn't convicted, he can't be forced out of office, but neither can he attend council meetings and he has refused to resign. He threw a head fake to his constituents by declaring his intent to resign a week after he entered his guilty pleas, but later changed his mind and said that he would not resign because he says that, despite declaring himself to be so to a court of law, he is not guilty.


Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-11-26 11:39:12
And so, Larry Craig's pernicious influence makes its way to Texas. Commit a sex crime, plead guilty to it, promise to resign, then decide that you weren't really guilty and so you don't need to resign. At least Larry Craig's crime was aimed at consenting adults.
thats sick you need to stop
Posted by david on 2008-10-29 08:02:54
things like this should not be on the internet


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