Cops Catch Crooked Crack Customer

Posted by ueberbill (10340 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A Georgia woman spent good money to buy what she thought was a quality product. After spending some time with said product, she found that it was a fake. Incensed, she called the police and demanded that they come over to take some action. Unfortunately the product was crack cocaine, and the action was to arrest her.

Juanita Marie Jones, 53, of Rochelle, brought her $20 purchase home and broke it into three rocks. Smoking one of the rocks, she discovered the crack was fake (the nerve of some people!). She called the cops over to her place to help "get her money back" and brought them into her kitchen to show them the unused portion. The crack officers (pun so totally intended) promptly arrested Juanita for possession of cocaine. This does raise the interesting question--is it illegal to possess fake drugs? Further bulletins as events warrant.





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