President Bush Loves Babies, Not A Huge Fan Of The Science

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President Bush, speaking on one of many topics he neither understands or wants to, decided to veto yet another stem cell research funding bill the other day. President Bush takes his "culture of life" (Iraqis, Darfurians, U.S. soldiers and the thousands suffering from diseases stem cell research can cure need not apply) very seriously and isn't going to be told otherwise by a bunch of eggheads with "advanced degrees" and "knowledge of the subject."

In a speech during which he politicized the hell out of the issue, President Bush said that FINALLY we have a chance to "put aside all the politics" and not engage in "embryo destruction." The embryos that the president refers to being fertility treatment rejects who will never, ever, not in a billion years become an actual person. In fact they will actually be tossed out with the biomedical bathwater once their shelf life is used up. Good thing the president saved us from using them for important medical research. Check out the video of his speech:

A few comments on the veto:

Hillary Clinton: “This is just one example of how the President puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families, just one more example of how out of touch with reality he and his party have become. And it’s just one more example as to why we’re going to send them packing in January 2009, and return progressive leadership to the White House.”

Nancy Pelosi: “Once again, the President has ignored the will of the American people, of leading medical researchers, and of a bipartisan majority of the Congress. His cruel veto says ‘no’ to the hopes of million of families across America.

John Edwards: “President Bush had a simple choice today: direct the full force of American scientific ingenuity towards responsible, life-saving medical research or pander to a narrow segment of his political base.

Barack Obama: By vetoing funding for stem cell research once again, the President is deferring the hopes of millions of Americans who do not have the time to keep waiting for the cure that may save or extend their lives.

A little info on Stem Cells:

Crooks and Liars had this interesting commentary:

I found Tony Snow’s defense of the White House policy rather alarming.

“The President also has never declared it against the law to engage in embryonic stem cell research — he simply thinks it involves, as do many other people, the taking of a human life.”

See? Bush hasn’t banned murder, he’s just blocked some funding for taxpayer-subsidized murder. Privately-funded murder is still fine, and entirely consistent with the president’s values and commitment to a culture of life. Snow added:

“To the extent that there is embryonic stem cell research, it’s being done not because Bill Clinton made it possible, but because George W. Bush made it possible.”

Yes, moments after describing the research as “taking of a human life,” Snow bragged about Bush’s support for the research.

Is a little coherence too much to ask?


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