Make Fun of Some Religion And The U.N. Will Break Your Thumbs

Posted by ueberbill (8030 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A resolution has recently passed the U.N. Human Rights Council which calls upon member governments to "take resolute action to prohibit the dissemination including through political institutions and organizations of racist and xenophobic ideas and material aimed at any religion..." What that means in U.N.-eze is that people and governments must be nice to proponents of religion and must show respect and tolerance for all people's religious beliefs. But the resolution in the wrong hands could have some pretty unsavory consequences and there's one group on the planet who are just cynical, jaded, and smart enough to see it. They are...

Atheists! According to Ellen Johnson, the President of American Atheists, the problem is that "religion and religious believers are being singled out for 'special treatment,' and that, "this amounts to an 'anti-blasphemy' statute that can punish anyone exercising free speech." The resolution was supported primarily by Islamic countries, who have a pretty awful record when it comes to human rights and freedom of expression. The concern being, of course, that if governments enforce this resolution then anyone who doesn't hold that belief will be unable to offer any criticism or differing point of view and that to do so would be a crime. Of course, this IS a U.N. resolution so it probably now sits snugly in most member nation's File 13.



Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-04-09 11:19:15
This is clearly a reaction to the "Muslim cartoon" incident and the stir it caused. But free speech is, by nature, often controversial. Ban speech that is "racist and xenophobic" aimed at religion, and there are a number of U.S. congressmen and administration officials who are already guilty of that crime.


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