Most Underage Gambler EVER.
Posted by ueberbill
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 [Bad Parents] |
Nyree Thompson was playing the penny slots in Atlantic City with some bad gas. Turned out, however, that it wasn't gas after all- it was her soon-to-be born son- and he wanted in on the action. |
Ms. Thompson, sensing something was wrong with the motherly instincts we've all heard so much about, told a security guard she thought she might be giving birth moments before her water broke. Less than five minutes later her son Qwaleem was born, ushered into the world by four casino security guards. I bet young Qwaleem, doing just fine after his first introduction to New Jersey gaming, is going to have some awesome nicknames. One security guard who'd worked almost 30 years at the place said it was a first for the casino, "we've had people die here," he said, "but we've never had people born here." | Details | |