Dirty Peaceniks Ruin Subdivision's Christmas

Posted by ueberbill (6101 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A Denver homeowner has forced the homeowners association of her subdivision to back down from a threat to fine her over a peace sign. Lisa Jensen, in the spirit of the season, put up a pine bough wreath in the shape of a peace sign on her house. Some of the other homeowners complained that it was a protest of the Iraq war (and according to the article some saw it as a "symbol of Satan." Those people should seek help) and the Loma Linda Homeowners Association threatened to fine her $25 a day unless she took it down. Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards All, indeed!

The association has since retracted the threat of fines, calling the incident a misunderstanding. Ms. Jensen received hundreds of calls and offers to help her pay the full amount of the fine, which would have added up to $1,000 if she had left it up until Christmas.



everyone's happy
Posted by ms on 2006-11-29 17:44:49
the nytimes reports that the the board has stepped down and other people in the subdivision have now put up the same wreath in solidarity!

even better, the town council is putting up one too!

god bless us each and every one of us!

heck, maybe even bush will put one up at his ranch and send one to iran?
Posted by Pile on 2006-12-04 11:47:39
I'm pretty certain god really didn't have much to do with this. I hear he's pretty busy helping Benny Hinn get the down payment for his new jet.


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