Latest Over-The-Top Treat: Deep-Fried Flag

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[Junk Food]
An art exhibit in Tennessee featured 40 American flags deep-fried in peanut oil, egg batter, flour, and black pepper. Though the flags contained more fiber and nutrients than your average deep-fried Snickers bar, deep-fried Coke, or deep-fried bacon cheeseburger, the director of the museum hosting the exhibit closed it less than 24 hours after it opened, citing the likelihood that it might cause "incendiary reactions."

Art student William Gentry said his piece, "The Fat Is in the Fire," was a commentary on obesity in America. "I deep-fried the flag because I'm concerned about America and about America's health," Gentry said.

This might have been an effective commentary if only America could have been persuaded to eat the flags instead of, say, sitting down with a giant bowl of cracklin's for a night of TV-watching and video-game playing.



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