The Five Lamest Charlie Brown Cartoons

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As we get older, we probably cling to that nostalgic notion of Charlie Brown and his friends, but have you ever looked back at some of the work from the Charlie Brown universe and how profoundly lame parts of it were? Snoopy disco dancing (ten years after the fad); Charlie Brown endorsing Cheerios... check 'em out.

It's Flashbeagle!!

Why Charlie Brown? Why?

Umberto Eco once wrote about how Snoopy failed to bring Charlie Brown the tenderness he needed. “His solitude becomes an abyss,” the deconstructive Italian novelist wrote. “…he proceeds always on the brink of suicide, or at least of nervous breakdown…”

That’s the feeling you get watching Snoopy abandon Charlie Brown in Snoopy, Come Home. Charlie Brown stands alone, sad circles around his eyes, not just depressed but actually crying. He returns alone to his joyless room, as a 4-minute ballad chronicles his uncontrollable descent into depression with histrionic violins.



This was stolen
Posted by Angry monkey on 2006-11-28 18:35:57
This was stolen from
Snoopy's The Real Bad Role Model Around Here
Posted by Jesus on 2011-09-17 18:10:43
My god did Snoopy ruined the legacy of Peanuts, He should have been the Peanuts gang's answer to Scrappy Doo, He was so gay and homosexual that beagle has no respect for poor ol' Charlie Brown.

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