US Caught Selling Illegal Genetically-Modified Rice In Europe

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While you never hear anything about this in the United States, Europeans are very wary of the health and environmental concerns of GM (genetically-modified) food. Everyone (most without their knowledge) is eating it in the United States, but the Europeans have enacted restrictions on "cloned" products of this nature until more is known on its affects on people. This hasn't stopped Americans from sending rice to Europe certified as "non-genetically modified" but in reality, containing these banned commodities.

Because of this hanky panky, European nations have now decided to test all rice imports to find out if they're the victims of bait-and-switch.

European nations on Monday voted to test all US long-grain rice imports to check they do not contain genetically modified versions, which are illegal in the European Union.

The decision follows the failure of US authorities to agree to a common sampling and testing protocol for the banned GM rice called "Liberty Link Rice 601" (LLRICE601) in consignments to the EU, the European Commission said in a statement.

The move follows the discovery, in September 2006, of illegal GM samples in shipments of US long grain rice, which had been certified as fit for the European market. Within the next few days, it is expected that all US rice imports will be checked at the port of entry to the EU.

Two consignments of US rice brought into Belgium and the Netherlands early in September 2006 and certified GM-free were found to be contaminated with the banned genetically modified LLRICE601 strain. They were part of a cargo of 20,000 tonnes of US rice which was blocked at a port in Rotterdam.


This appears to be a recurring theme of the United States selling illegal GM food


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