ATF Director Abuses His Position to Help Out His Nephew

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In response to an anonymous tip that the then-director of the ATF had abused his position, hired an unqualified former colleague, and made expensive design changes to his new office, the Office of the Inspector General began an investigation. Regarding those charges, the OIG found that the director had in fact shown poor judgement, but did nothing not within his discretion. However, during the course of the investigation, the OIG heard another complaint that the director had used ATF equipment, employees, and time (upwards of 50 man-hours over 10 months) to help his nephew with a video project for high school. The director resigned before the report was released, but at least the nephew got an 'A'!

The relevant sections of the report, listed by Slate in one their excellent "Hot Document" features, shows how the nephew constantly bugged ATF employees for stock footage and advice on video and editing, and made 3 separate visits to ATF facilities where he used video cameras, teleprompters, and screen backgrounds owned by the ATF. Some of the requests for aid (and the man-hours spent responding to them) happened AFTER the nephew had received a grade for his project. When asked by investigators, Director Truscott said he thought his aid, although unprecedented even for members of the press, was "akin to community outreach" and that it might "encourage young people to get involved in good careers and stay away from drugs." Say WHAT?

Slate Feature




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