America's Fatasses Rejoice: Fried Coke is here

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[Junk Food]
A concessionaire has developed a gooey Coke-battered ball coated with Coke syrup and it's sweeping the state fair circuit. The "treat" has been a big hit at every fair it's been to so far and joins the ranks of such gastronomical wonders as fried pickles, twinkies, and PB&J's.

16,000 Fried Cokes were sold in the first two weeks of the Texas State Fair. Approximately 127 million Americans are overweight (69 million are obese) and obesity figures are growing across all demographics (particularly in children and young adults). Pretty soon they'll just be frying up Crisco and serving it over ice cream. Eat some FRUIT!

American Obesity Association
Fried Coke Story


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