Guard Dog Tears His Charges to Shreds

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The collection of artifacts was so valuable, so precious, that the insurance company insisted that the premises be patrolled by a trained guard dog at night to prevent theft. Little did they expect the terrible carnage that was to follow....

Barney, a doberman pinscher with six years of blameless service, flew into an unexplained fit of rage and attacked the very objects he had been hired to protect: a collection of rare teddy bears, most on loan from private collectors, on display at a tourist attraction called Wookey Hall Caves in Somerset, England.

One of the first victims was Mabel, a 1909 Steiff teddy bear once owned by Elvis Presley. Rumored to have cost his current owner, eccentric British collector of Elvis memorabilia Benjamin Slade, $75,000 at auction, something about Mabel's scent pushed Barney over the edge, and over 100 rare teddy bears paid the ultimate price. "The aftermath, according to shocked staff, was appalling: shattered limbs, gouged eyes, ears torn off, and pools of sawdust everywhere."

The owners of Wookey Hall Caves, while upset over the stuffed ursine carnage, have made no demands for revenge on Barney. They have decided to ban dogs from the premises in the future, however, which must be a relief to the surviving furries.

More details here and here.


Posted by Pile on 2006-08-03 21:15:16
You mean they had a guard dog protecting chew toys?
Posted by wizeGurl on 2006-08-03 21:42:46
Wouldn't you set a guard dog up for your exhibit of Rawhide through the Ages? I mean, you don't want anyone chewing on your historical, irreplaceable rawhide.

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